God!Ahkmenrah x Dancer!Reader: Tribute

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"Y/N!" A voice called through the thin wooden door of your room. "Are you ready yet?" Quickly tying a sash around your waist, you walked over and opened the door. The village elder (and your grandmother) stood before you, leaning on a gnarled wooden cane. "Are you ready, child?" You nodded and followed your grandmother to the village center. It had been a tradition that every year, one girl was chosen to dance before the Gods as tribute. This year, you were chosen for the task, and you were equal parts excited and nervous. It was a huge honour, but it also came with a lot of responsibility. Your thoughts raced as you thought of all the possible outcomes. What if you missed a step? What if the Gods rejected your tribute? With one small mistake, you could shame your village for eternity! Seeming to sense your anxiety, your grandmother laid a reassuring hand on your forearm. "You will do fine, Y/N," she assured you.

"Thank you, Grandmother," You smiled as you approached the village center. Waiting for you was a grey donkey with flowers and ribbons woven through its mane. After helping you climb onto his back, your grandmother took a silver amulet from around her neck and looped it around the donkey's. The amulet began to float, catching the donkey's eye. It tugged gently on the donkey's neck, which prompted it to start walking. As you were carried from the village, you looked back over shoulder, wondering how long you would be gone. The donkey trotted along for what felt like ages until it suddenly stopped. You looked around. You heard a snapping noise, and you whirled around to see the amulet floating in the air above you. It began to spin and glow, as you watched in awe. As the glow got brighter, you had to shield your eyes with your hands. The wind picked up suddenly, and the donkey spooked. It reared up, throwing you from its back. You landed on the ground and curled into a ball, still covering your face with your hands. Soon everything went silent. Shakily, you looked up, gasping at the sight. Instead of being surrounded by trees, now a towering pair of stone doors sat in front of you. Slowly standing up, you brushed off your outfit and nervously approached the doors. Reaching out, you knocked on the door as firmly as you could. The doors instantly creaked open. Taking a deep breath in, you steeled your nerves and walked inside. Behind the door was a courtyard filled with lush plants that you were certain you'd never seen before. As you looked around, a young woman with brown hair approached you.

"Are you this year's tribute?" Gulping nervously, you nodded. She clapped her hands together and smiled. "Wonderful! If you could follow me, I'll help you prepare."

"Thank you..." You trailed off, realizing you didn't know her name.

"Oh! My name's Rebecca." She supplied. You smiled.

"Thank you, Rebecca," She looked at you expectantly, and you realized you forgot to tell her your name as well. "I'm Y/N," You quickly added.

"Nice to meet you," She said, as she led you away to prepare for your performance. After what felt like hours of polishing and stitching (you were a little banged up when you fell) you were led to another pair of large doors. These ones were gold instead of stone and had intricate designs carved into them. Before you could knock the doors smoothly glided open. Rebecca nudged you from behind, and you slowly entered the room. You thought the room was empty, until you looked up. Sitting on a balcony that stretched around the perimeter of the room sat the Gods. There was a man with a moustache, a woman with long black hair, a woman with curly red hair, a man with short brown hair and a boy who looked to be his son, an Asian man with long black hair, a man with cropped black hair, a man with blond hair, and a man with tan skin and brown-black hair who was watching you intently. They all sat in the shadows so you couldn't fully see their faces and therefore didn't know which Gods you were about to perform in front of. You immediately sunk into a low curtsy.

"I come to offer tribute," You said as confidently as you could. You heard murmurs as the Gods debated whether or not to accept your tribute. Finally, the room quieted.

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