Ahkmenrah x Reader: Jealousy Part 2

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"Marry me."

"No." Kahmunrah glowered at you across the table. Ever since the death of your husband, he had lost all decorum and asked you to marry him on a daily basis.

"I'm beginning to lose my patience my dear." You slammed your fork down.

"Does that mean you'll stop asking?" You picked up your goblet and raised it to your lips, raising an eyebrow.

"Depends. Will you say yes?"

"What do you think?" He laughed shortly.

"I think I'll give you one last chance." You stood up and stormed out of the room.

"I'd sooner die!" You shouted over your shoulder. Ahkmenrah stared after your form.

"That can be arranged," He murmured as he stared at a half-empty vial of green liquid.


"Will you need anything else, My Lady?" You smiled at your hand maid.

"No, thank you. That will be all. Goodnight," The maid bowed and left the room. You got into the bed, and grabbed the pitcher on your bedside table, pouring a small amount of water into your goblet. You took a drink...

...And your throat immediately set on fire. You gasped and choked as you clawed at your neck. In your panic, you fell out of bed as the edges of your vision began to go blurry. You heard footsteps approach you, and you looked up to see Kahmunrah standing over you.


Your eyes widened as you realized what had happened.

"Kahmunrah," You choked. "You...What have you..." He kneeled down.

"You should have joined me, Y/N," You glared at him with as much hatred as you could muster, before everything went black.


"Hey, Larry! I brought takeout," You shouted into the museum as you ducked Rexy's tail.

"Y/N! Hey," You turned. "You need to see this!"


"You remember that mummy?"

"The one that you were told never to let out?" Larry didn't answer. "Oh my God. You didn't," He didn't answer. "What the hell, Larry!" You turned the corner and saw a man facing the wall of hieroglyphics.

"Hey Ahk, this is Y/N," Ahkmenrah turned around to greet you, but he froze when his eyes landed on you.




"That's my name," You said awkwardly. Before anyone could react, his arms were wrapped around you and he was holding you as tightly as he could.

"Whoa!" Larry exclaimed. "Ahk, what are you doing?"

"My wife," He murmured in your ear. "I thought I'd never see you again," You had no idea what was going on, but you'd be lying if you said it didn't feel familiar.

"I had a wife," He told Larry once he reluctantly released you. "She looked exactly like her and her name was Y/N. It has to be you." He said. "It's too coincidental. Do you remember anything?" You thought. You thought about the times you had visited the exhibit, anything that seemed familiar. You remembered a small plaque detailing Ahkmenrah's family. His parents, his brother, and his wife.

And then it hit you. Memories came flooding back and tears began flowing down your cheeks.

"Are you alright?" Ahkmenrah asked. Without a word, you wrapped your arms around his neck and held on as tightly as you could. He hesitantly wrapped his arms around your back.

"I love you," You whimpered. "I love you so much," He stiffened, before crushing you against his chest.

"You're back," He kissed your hair over and over and nuzzled his face into your neck. "That's all that matters."

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