Al Capone x Reader: Persistence

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"Hey, Y/N," You sighed as you turned the page of your book.

"Hi, Al," You said without looking up. He sat down on the ground next to you/

"Whatcha readin'?"

"A book."

"Very funny," He laughed. "Is that all you do?"

"What, read?"

"Yes, read." You sighed again and stood up. "Whoa, where ya goin, toots?"

"To find some peace and quiet!" You called over your shoulder as you strode away. He watched you go, before he stood up, and cracked his knuckled with a smug grin.

He wasn't giving up that easily.


You nestled down under the information desk and opened your book. "Hey, toots?" You froze and held your breath as Al walked into the room. "You in here?" You listened to his foots steps as he wandered around the room. "Hm, guess not," You sighed softly as his footsteps faded, and opened your book. "BOO!" Al's face popped into view from where he leaned over the top of the desk. You shrieked at the top of your lungs, and instinctively smacked him in the face with your hardcover book as hard as you could. He jumped back, cursing in pain as black blood dribbled out of his nose. You gasped and ran around the desk.

"Are you okay?" He nodded as he held his nose, still groaning in pain. "Oh, okay." You said. "Then what the hell were you thinking, jerk?!" You smacked him in the arm with your book over and over. "You scared me!" He shouted in surprise and tried to dodge your blows.

"Hey, hey! Knock it off!" He shouted, with that stupid grin on his face. You lowered your book and with another sigh, marched away. But not before you handed him the box of tissues on the desk. After he cleaned up his nose and threw out the tissues, he followed you.


"You've got to be joking." You said to yourself as you heard footsteps behind you. You turned around. "Seriously?" Al shrugged with that infuriating grin. "Why do you keep following me around?"

"Is it a crime to want to spend time with my best girl?"

"I'm not your anything, Al," You said softly.

"Not yet,"

"What does that mean?" You asked as you sat down on a bench.

"I keep trying to ask you, but you keep leaving. You're very stubborn, y'know."

"Al. Get to the point."

"Okay fine," He took off his hat. "Y/N L/N," He began dramatically. "Will you go on a date with me?" You were shocked. Sure, you had entertained the idea, but...but he was so irritating!

And charming...

And handsome...

You sighed. "If I say yes, will you let me read in peace?" His eyes widened, almost like he was expecting you to turn him down flat.

"Yeah," He said weakly. He cleared his throat. "Yeah, of course," He said more strongly. You thought about it.

"Then yes, I'd love to go on a date with you."

He blinked in surprise, before a wide grin stretched across his face. "Great. Great!" He said. He began to walk towards you, but you held up your hand.

"No no no," You told him. "We made a deal, remember?" You made a shooing motion with your hand as you grinned. "Now go on." He shook his head with a smile.

"Okay, okay," He turned and walked away with a spring in his step. "I'll see you tomorrow!" He laughed. You giggled to yourself before finally sitting down to read.

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