Chapter 6

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Before Lin Suwi could say anything, I burst outside the door then ran for my life – though I don't know what I was running for.  As I exited the cabin, I saw Lin Xian outside making soup. We had eye contact momentarily then I turned ahead to focus again from fleeing.

Sorry, Second Male Lead, I will come back for you later!


After 5 minutes of running, I stopped and tried to catch my breath. I felt like dying. I am never a physically active person. I couldn't even run for more than a minute. But I was able to do this for a full 5 minute. It was because of the adrenaline rush. I was scared and afraid of what might come for me if I don't escape. I fully trust the system. If I don't, I don't even know if I'd still be alive.

I continued running as I feel that I did not go that far. I stopped at every 2 minutes interval of running. I went through the forest so people won't wonder if I had gone crazy.

When I felt like I was far from them, I stopped, grasp again for more air, and then looked around my surroundings.

Trees, trees, and more trees.

The sun is about to go down, I need to take shelter so I walked further. The only thing I found is a spring. It looked so clean and clear. I was about to use my palm to drink from the spring when I caught side of my face.

"System, this isn't me..."


[SYSTEM PROCESSING 98%...99%...100%]

This person's body's parents were killed in their house. The mother hid the baby in between the closet and the wall. The raging soldiers killed the mother but didn't find the baby. It was because of the baby's crying that she was found by a villager—an old lady. She took care of the baby for 10 years before she died. This person was left alone at such a young age.

She tried to survive by herself, but unfortunately, got caught by slave traders. She was the cannon fodder who made the female lead and second male lead meet.

The female lead saw the slave traders' cart, tried to save her, but it incited the slave traders' anger. Unfortunately, the cannon fodder died in the battle of the female lead's. The latter escaped with half of the slaves.

The slaves that were rescued were so grateful and joyous that they offered their life as a service for the female lead. The female lead refused and said to live their own lives with freedom.

The slaves remembered the female lead in their hearts. They told themselves if she ever need them, they will do whatever they could. While their souls were joyous, they forgot to think of the other slaves that unfairly died, if not because someone incited them, then they would still be alive.

The cannon fodder originally died there and then. The gods took pity on her and decided to revive it with a different soul--so to give justice to her life, that was when I found myself in this body.

Because the stress was getting to me, I cupped a water from my palm and drank it.


It was sweet, not like the water I used to drink
This taste like some fruit-infused water

[DING! Drank from 'Mythical Water', +0.03 increase in charm and beauty]


I didn't know that just this mythical water could increase my beauty

I had to drink more!!

[DING! Drank from 'Mythical Water', +0.02 increase in charm and beauty]

[DING! Drank from 'Mythical Water', +0.04 increase in charm and beauty]

[DING! Drank from 'Mythical Water', +0.01 increase in charm and beauty]

[DING! Drank from 'Mythical Water', no effect due to host abusing the benefits]


This must be a system error.

[DING! Drank from 'Mythical Water', no effect due to host abusing the benefits]

(つД')ノ Shitty system!

Darkness was already looming so I quickly tried to find a cave to sleep in.

Tomorrow I will think of another strategy to help the second male lead.

Enjoy the chapter!

Second Male Lead SyndromeWhere stories live. Discover now