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"I had hoped that my growing expertise on the subject would remain purely academic, but though faint, this is clearly dark Energon signature," Ratchet explained to Optimus as they looked over Ratchet's scans. "And it's moving fast,"

The mention of Dark Energon causing a shiver to run up my spine.

I felt a surge of reassurance go through me and understood that Ratchet was attempting to calm me down.

"Megaton," Optimus proclaimed

I shook my head in negation "As much as I wish for it to be true. But this doesn't feel like Megatron,"

"Of course it doesn't feel like Megatron, Pixel." Arcee noted, "The real question is how he found more of the bad stuff?"

"And what's he gonna do with it," Bulkhead added, "Recruit a new army of the undead?"

Miko perked up and looked towards the Autobots "Zombiecons,"

"We cannot rule out the possibility, especially since Megatron seems to be heading to a familiar site,"

I gasped in pain as I gripped the guardrails of the catwalk.

"Pixel?" Jack called out in fear.

I felt my body begin to shake as the Allspark began to feel the effects of Dark Energon emerge on the planet.

Jack's cry was enough to cause the Autobots to turn towards me.

Optimus clenched his servo as he looked over his team "Megatron has barely emerged from stasis, and it seems he's already making up for the lost time. Bulkhead, Bumblebee, Ratchet, prepare to roll out," Optimus ordered

Ratchet looked over at me in worry. "Perhaps I should..."

"Go," I told him as I took in a deep breath of air "I'm fine. I'll be fine..." I assured him.

Optimus nodded in thanks as he turned to Arcee "Arcee?"

"Bridge Operator," Arcee nodded, she looked over at Ratchet "and I'll keep a close eye on Pixel,"

"Who's still standing right here and can understand Cybertronian," I sassed back with a smirk to ease the tension.

Miko didn't even look up from her drawing "Go get 'em Bulkhead. Bring the hurt!"

Bulkhead pounded his servos together in response.

Jack and I shared a glance at Miko's statement.

"That's not like Miko to not want to go," Jack noted

"She's definite3ly up to something," Rafael whispered

Miko glanced to the ground bridge once the Autobots went through and ran for it.

"Making a break!" I exclaimed as I hurried after the girl. I grabbed Miko's arm as we were partially in the ground bridge "It's not safe!"

"I am not gonna miss my first Zombiecon throw down!" Miko argued

"Miko!" Jack called out as the girl ran further away.

I glanced back at Arcee and huffed as I followed after Miko, Jack, and Rafael. "I'm so gonna get in trouble for this,"


I gulped as I followed the others to an advantage point and saw the Autobots contender and realized I had been right, it wasn't Megatron, it was Starscream.

"Rise, Skyquake!" Starscream commanded "Rise!"

I stumbled a little as the ground began to shake, my head began to feel a little foggy that Jack stayed beside me to ensure I didn't fall. I shook my head and nodded my thanks as the feeling wore off.

Child of the Allspark (Transformers Prime)Where stories live. Discover now