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  Gil and Harry laugh and hugged in glee

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Gil and Harry laugh and hugged in glee.

"Hey guys we're just coming for a wee visit! " Harry informed them with a smile.

Harry and Gil walk forward but was only pushed back by Carlos. Harry's temper had always been bad and pushed Carlos back which had caused Carlos to stumble into Mal. Mal gasped when Hades ember fell out of her hand.

Haven grabbed Harry's arm and pulled him away from the group.

Mal watched in horror as it fell towards the water only to be caught by a tentacle, Uma's tentacle.

"Drop something?" Uma asked with a smile once she had emerged from the water. Haven smiled knowing that Uma was okay. She hadn't realized how much she had missed the blue haired girl. With the curse upon Gil and Harry and her caught up with the life of Auradon she hadn't thought very much of the girl who had taken her under her wing. Which made her feel. Guilt.

"It can't get wet give it back before it goes out!" Mal demanded with her arm outstretched.

Uma only laughed at Mals words.

"Uma?" Harry, Gil, and Haven said in unison. They trio was happy to see her.

"That's my name" Uma laughed before emerging herself into the water.

"No" Mal screamed.

The water began to move into a Whirlpool and then as quick as it came it disappeared.

Everyone leaned over the edge to see where Uma went. But she was nowhere to be found
Nothing but silenced washed over everyone.

"Hi, boys!" Her voice reached their ears from behind them. They turn around to see Uma. Her hair had changed from last time Haven had seen her and her outfit had changed along with her hair. She stood there with the Jewel safe in her had still glowing.

"Welcome back!" Harry cheered strutting towards her.

"Uma, you swam off and forgot about all of us." Gil said.

"Yeah plotting her revenge no doubt" Mal piped in shifting her weight onto her right hip.

"It's not all about you Mal, I was looking for a whole in the barrier. You know? To let everyone out" Uma explained scoffing at the purple haired girl.

"And you know what I found boys?" She continued.

"It's way better out there then we thought. There's this thing that looks like a furry rock called a coconut. And fish so big you could dance on their backs. And they've been keeping it all to themselves."

Mal crossed her arms. "Whatever. Uma I need that to break a spell." Mal said.

"Casted by Audrey, sleeping beauty's daughter" Carlos explained.

Uma hummed in annoyance.
"So the good guy is the bad guy?" She laughed at the irony.

"Well I might not give it back. Let's see what happens."

"Uma it's not times for games people's lives are in danger." Mal yelled causing Haven to jump at the sudden change In tone.

"Guarantee me that every single villain kid who wants to can get off the isle" Uma demanded. Which was a demand that Haven believed was fair and should be easy for Mal to do.

"I can't do that" Mal said surprising Haven. She thought Mal would be all for helping the kinds from the isle out.

Uma repeated her words and stormed over to the side of the bridge.

"Well how about now?" Uma asked out stretching her hand over the water getting ready to drop the ember.

"Deal. Deal" Mal
Instantly yelled. Haven couldn't believe that it had taken Uma threatening to drop the ember into the water for her to agree to the Terms.

"Her word is good" Evie reassured.

"I'll still keep this just for the time being!" Uma smiled walking away from the side and towards Mal.

"Because if you think I can trust you to save the world on your own. Think again"

"This is a job for pirates" Uma boasted looking back at her crew.

"We can always go back to hating each other when this is over" Jay whispered to Mal.

"Fine" Mal agreed. But she was anything but happy about it.

"Where are our bikes?" Jay asked realizing that Harry and Gil were no longer on them.

"Umm they kind of crashed it" Haven said giving them a sheepish grin. Fiddling with her hands, she noticed Harry, Gil, and Uma giving her a weird look but she chose to ignore it.

"Here's a thought, we can try and be friends. Put our history behind us and celebrate our differences. Yeah?" Evie said but no one seemed to like her idea.

"Who wants gum?" She randomly asked causing Haven to laugh.

"Let's go" Uma said.

"Ah" Mal yelled causing Uma to halt.

"I'm in charge. Let's go"

"This is going to be a long journey" Haven mumbled to Evie who nodded in agreement.


They made there way toward the castle. Only to see everyone is asleep. Some where slouched in their seats asleep while other were on the floor. Harry and Gil instantly dive into the food on the table.

"Everything is so.." Gil started

"Freaky?" Jay finished.

"Green" Gil corrected.

"You have leaves on your trees, and what are those coloured things on the bushes?" Gil asked.

"Uh... flowers"

"Flowers are so pretty!" Gil said.

Haven noticed Harry picking at the sleeping people and started to take their money. She was about to tell him to stop but Jay managed to beat her to it.

"You think I'm scared of you Jay?"Harry said defensively she could see his temper rising again.


Haven tuned everyone out as she allowed her eyes to skim the area. She noticed that everyone was asleep and a few were turned into stone. It made her stomach churn at the eerie sight.

She wasn't quite sure who Audrey was but with every passing minute she was disliking her more and more.

"Well while we are here we should check the school" Uma suggested.

"No" Haven rolled her eyes at Mal. Mal is being very controlling over the whole situation with Uma being with them.

"To the castle" Mals voice broke her out of her thoughts. She looked at Harry to see a mask of annoyance causing her to sigh. If they couldn't get a long than it will make their quest to save Auradon even harder.

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