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    Haven was sitting down on the grass in her red dress that Evie had quickly made for her. She was staring at the isle with sadness. She wanted to go back for Harry. She couldn't just leave him there. The moon was high in the sky and the big boat was glowing from all of the lights.

"Haven?" Carlos asked sitting next to her.

  She didn't look at him. She just continued to stare off into the distance.

"Look Haven I-I'm Sorry. I didn't even think about how you would feel when we left, I was just so caught up about not dying from a dog. Then I met Ben, Jane, and dude. They changed my point of view on things. We grew up knowing nothing but evil, and surviving. You could have a better life here Haven." Carlos told her. He was the first one who apologized and meant it.

"This place does seem better then the isle. But it isn't where I am meant to be. I would never fit In, I should be with people like Uma, Gil, and...."

"And Harry." Carlos finished off for her. She looked at Carlos for the first time and nodded.

She realized that she was being nice to Carlos and turned her sad eyes into a glare. "Just leave me alone Carlos."


"Go!" She yelled, her eyes flowed red making him quickly stand up and back away. His eyes were wide in surprise. He gave her one more look before leaving her alone.
  "Who is this?"

  "What's your name?"

  "Evie did you make her dress?"

Haven was bombarded with questions as Evie made her way to the ship with Haven following behind her.

  Her dress was different from the others. Everyone's dresses were some what skin tight or puffed out a bit.

  Havens dress was red with dark red flowers and swirled designs on the top and around The waist,The flowers travelled down her dress stopping mid-way. Her dress was one of Evies favourite. It was hard to believe that she only made the dress in a few hours. The dress flowed behind haven making her look Elegant. She had red lipstick on and her red eyeshadow. She had a heart gem on her cheek and a heart crown on her head. Her hair was in a half up half down style, and her red hair reached just below her bare shoulders.

"Her name is Haven, and yes I did make her dress." Evie explained calmly.

  The paparazzi continued to ask Evie about her dress while Haven walked onto the boat.

  Everyone stared at her once again not knowing who she was. She ignored the stares and started to walk over to the edge of the boat.

  The boat reminded her so much of back at the isle she wanted to cry. But of course she didn't because villains don't cry.

  The former king and Queen were standing by the steps greeting people and smiling making her want to attack them.

  "Where did you come from?" Peeta asked Haven from behind. She turned around and glared at him.

"I don't see how that's any of your business." She snapped at him. Just seeing her angry made him smile more.

  "Well when a girl comes to Auradon that nobody knows other then the VK's people start to question things."

"Still don't see how this is your Business?" Haven told peeta.

"Well you did say you know captain hooks son, so me being the son of Peter Pan makes me want to know." She huffed and turned back around to face the ocean.

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