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Harry looked at Peeta with his icy blue eyes. His eyes grew darker when they landed on Peeta.

" Peeta," Harry said carefully throwing the blanket off of his body and slowly stood up. Harry's eyes were red from being asleep for so long and his hair was wild.

Peeta glanced at Harry and smiled brightly "yes?" he asked tilting his head to the side. He was too oblivious to see that Harry was mad.

"Get out" He barked trying to push Peeta out of his room but Peeta wasn't having it. Peeta tripped Harry making him fall to the ground and then he sat on Harry's back. Harry thrashed from under Peeta trying to get him off but Peeta was determined to keep Harry down.

Even though Peeta left Neverland he still liked to be childish, He would never give that off but there have been times where he had thought about going back to Neverland, but then the thought of him being back with his twin turned him away from it.

"Get off of me" Harry sneered trying to push Peeta off him once more. But for someone who is so small, Peeta was able to somehow keep Harry down.

"No, you need to listen to me" Peeta Could feel Harry's muscles tense underneath him which made him shiver. Harry got up and managed to push Peeta off him. Peeta hit the ground with a thud making him groan out in pain.

Peeta quickly dusting off his brown pants and sat down on Harry's messy bed.

Harry went to Grab Peeta but Peeta swerved around Harry slipping away from his grip when he tried to push Peeta away and out of his room.

"Hey, no, Havens acting weird" Harry rolled his eyes in annoyance when he heard those words tumble out of Peeta's mouth. He obviously knew that Haven would be acting weird after meeting her father.

While trying to chase Peeta out of his room. But Peeta always managed to jump away from Harry last minute when he tries to grab him. Harry was annoyed and Peeta was having fun. It reminded Peeta of the times when he and his brother would play around with Hook and his crew when they were on Neverland.

That was when his brother was nice and played the games for fun. He would play harmless games back then but now Peter would play games that either ends up someone getting injured or dead.

"Havens a big girl she can handle herself"Harry informed the boy which made him stop running and stare at Harry shocked. It seemed weird that Harry would say that about Haven. Even if a guy looks at Haven the wrong way Harry would make sure the guy wouldn't even glance at Haven anymore.

"How could you say that? You have been trying to get her attention and trying to make her like you again. Then you say that. You're making no sense and neither is Haven" Peeta's eyes go big in realization.

Harry had taken his moment to grab Peeta and thrown him out of his room. "You know what's going on, don't you. You need to tell m-" but Harry slammed the door in his face.

"Oh come on" Peeta yells banging on the door. When about an hour had passed and Peeta decided to get into Harry's room the hard way


Haven flipped through the book that tells the history of the villains. About what they did, whom they loved, and even why they were evil, and most importantly what they did to their most valuables possession. Not all villains trinkets were placed in the museum. She knew that the dagger was not in the museum.

She smiled when she saw her father's name in bold letters printed on the old, yellow paper. Her eyes skimmed the paper in hopes to what she needed. Her eyes stop skimming when she found it.

Her smile dropped into a frown when she saw where the dagger was. In Neverland.


Haven was in her usual outfit and her hair was now back to its solid red color instead of black and red. She braided her hair into two french braids so it was out of her way and had taken a basic spell book that she had stolen from the fairy godmother.

Haven opened the window in her room and looked at the moon and took a deep breath. She closed her eyes and whispers the words "I believe."

Her heart was pounding in her rib cage as every second ticked by. But nothing happened.

The small bit of hope was slowly being crushed with every second making her eyes tear up. She didn't know what to do now. She felt lost.

Something hit her on the top of the head, making her fall to the ground. Her vision was blurry and the last thing she remembers is a dark shadow reaching out for her.


When she woke up she was on a sandy beach and the waves were getting to the bottom of her dress wet. She could feel the hot sun burning her skin and the salt from the sea drying up her throat with every breath. The few strands that didn't stay in her braid was stuck to her forehead and she groaned when pain slithered up her spine.

She was on an island from what she could tell. The trees were dark and tall. They seemed to be tainted with magic and was beautiful. But it wasn't the good kind of magic. It was the dark kind.

Haven felt like something was watching her within the forest. Making goosebumps erupt on her pale skin.

She managed to get up from the sand and see that there was nothing that could help her on the beach She started to slowly walk into the forest looking for any signs of humans. She knew she was in Neverland.

She heard the sound of the grass crunching behind her making her swirl around in an unnatural speed.

"Peeta?" She asked furrowing her eyebrows in confusion. A boy who looked like Peeta stood in front of her in a completely green attire.

An unknown emotion flashes through the boys' eyes. But then he quickly covered it up.

"I'm Peter, Peter Pan."

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