Michael passed by her and his eyes examined her from head to toes. It was not with particular interest, he was merely assessing her. She remembered Fra drooling about Michael's eyes. She knew they were pretty, a light brown that, as Fra put it, made girls "drop their panties", but as he studied her with more attention than most people did, it made her want to disappear.

Odette looked away and shifted on her feet. Her discomfort was not unnoticed by him. Not that he cared if he made people uncomfortable, maybe he even rejoiced on it.

Sebastian watched his brother walk as slowly as he could towards his bike. He could be so annoying.

"You know, Caleb, some of us actually care about being in school on time."

Michael did not say a thing, only cynically smiled while hoping on his bike. Odette pondered that if she was on the ending side of that gaze she would have been scared. He sure could be scaring sometimes, and he did not even say a word.

Still without pronouncing a single word, he turned the bike's motor with a loud sound and set off. That did not mean he would show up to school though.

"I'm sorry about that." Sebastian's voice woke Odette from her thoughts and made her look away from the retreating figure of Michael, who was not wearing a helmet, she noticed.

"I don't have siblings, but I suppose you are possible for their actions."

Sebastian smiled kindly at her and shrugged. "Yeah, not really. But I feel like I should apologize anyway."

In lack of a better answer she nodded.

Not even two minutes later, the atmosphere between them had changed drastically, or maybe it was all inside Odette's head. One year ago, she would have killed to be inside Sebastian's car with him driving her somewhere. In her dreams they were going to a 80's themed diner not to school, but she supposed the sixteen-year-old her would not have complained. Nevertheless she was nervous.

Although the radio was on, she felt like she should say something, make conversation, but she couldn't think about anything. Her leg shook anxiously and she was trying hard to not bite one of her nails.

"I need-" "So..." they tried at the same time.

"Yeah?" Sebastian asked first.

"Never mind." She quickly replied. She did not have anything to say anyway. "What were you saying?"

"Oh, I-" he cleaned his throat and for a moment Odette thought he was also nervous. "I wanted to talk to you about something."

She had no idea if that was good or bad. "Okay..." she joined her hands on her lap to keep her from picking at her nails.

"It's actually a proposition." He reached out and turned the radio off.

This is serious, she thought not so happily. She looked his way and even though he did not look at her, she could see that, by the way he gripped the wheel, he was at least a bit tense. And it was definitely making her tense.

"It's going to sound totally crazy." This keeps getting better and better. "But please just keep an open mind. It makes total sense once you think it through."

"What are you talking about?" Odette couldn't hold herself anymore.

He stole a glance at her and could surely tell that he was not making his next words look good. He sighed deeply.

"Okay... I know that you want to be Class President. I can help you get votes."

Alright it did not sound as bad as Odette thought. Help was very much appreciated, but why would Sebastian McCoy want to offer it?

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