Chapter Two: Dedicated to The One I Love

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Disclaimer: None of the events featured are true, nor will they ever be in this lifetime.

Brian Wilson's home: January 16, 1967

"Dennis!" Brian knocked on the door furiously, growing inpatient of waiting forever for his brother to get out of the shower.

"We'll be out in a minute!" The middle Wilson brother called out. Brian pressed his ear to the door, hearing moans, groans, and giggles; he scoffed.

"Alright, times up!" Brian rolled his eyes, gripping onto the doorknob. He soon turned the knob and opened the door, coming face to face with a sight. There stood Dennis, his body pressed against his new girlfriend, leaving marks all over her neck.

Brian cleared his throat, in an attempt to get their attention. The two looked over at him, like deer caught in the headlights. The blonde beauty took a step back, then tossed her hair over her shoulder. Her face looked a slight bit flushed and she gave a nervous smile to the eldest Wilson brother, who simply shook his head.

With his arms crossed over his chest, Brian asked, "What's it been, two weeks?"

"Three, actually," Dennis corrected, wrapping an arm around Michelle's shoulders, "And it's been quite eventful."

"Good to know," Brian replied, sounding less than thrilled. He sighed, "Look, Dennis, next time you pull a stunt like this under my roof, you're out... got it?"

"Fine," Dennis responded with a shrug, "I can't guarantee anything, though."

"At least try to," Brian urged, leaning against the doorway, "Anyway, I'd love to get on with my day now! You two, out."

The two walked out, leaving the eldest Wilson brother alone. He let out a sigh, relieved the situation was over and dealt with.

Brian- If it were anyone else, I'd freak out. I know Carl's too afraid to talk to girls right now, Al likes his solitude, and Mike is busy dealing with his own life to get serious with a girl. Dennis, on the other hand, is quick when it comes to a relationship of any kind. He's already been with at least five girls in the past three months, it's actually pretty ridiculous. Let's just hope Michelle is a keeper this time!

Dennis- I bet Brian's convinced I'll only be into Michelle for a couple weeks, but he's dead wrong. Things have been great, we've already moved in together and done some fun stuff, I really love her.

Michelle- Dennis is such a loving and sincere individual. I wouldn't say he's loyal, we're both far from that, but I do love him. Plus, he's so incredibly skilled, I don't think I've ever felt this good in my life...

"Carl," Al began, watching the youngest Wilson brother place a pair of sunglasses on, "That really isn't necessary at all, we're at a grocery store."

"We have to take some precautionary measures," Carl responded, handing the shorter male a pair of shades, "I don't wanna be recognized and, if you're not aware already, we're insanely popular here!"

"I'm with Carl on this one," Mike chimed in, decked out in a full disguise, "No matter how ridiculous I look, I know there's not a damn chance anyone will recognize me."

Al- They can't be serious...

Carl pushed the shopping cart gently, flinching a bit as the wheels squeaked against the freshly polished floors, "I have a feeling we're being watched."

Al turned around to see nothing but an empty store aisle. He scratched the back of his head, "It's empty, Carl, there's practically no one here."

Mike picked up a box of Frosted Flakes and tossed it into the back of the cart. As soon as he turned forward, a little old lady bumped her shopping cart right into his side. He inhaled heavily, Al and Carl laughed.

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