Chapter Eight: Boys And Girls Together

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Disclaimer: None of the events featured are true, nor will they ever be in this lifetime.

Brian Wilson's home: March 18, 1967

"Pick up the pace!" Brian demanded in desperation, smoothing down a few wrinkles on his khaki pants.

Dennis and Carl exchanged glances, a bit concerned about their older brother and his fragile well-being. Bruce stood firmly at a distance with a blank expression on his face, a tinge of guilt filling his body. Al tied his shoes without a care in the world, while Mike simply shrugged his shoulders.

Mike- Brian has the tendency to panic at the smallest things and crack under pressure, which is actually quite unfortunate. However, there's no need for him to freak out right now. It's just a party, we're not meeting the president or anything! If he wants to remain cautious, the least he could do is keep an eye on how much he eats while there...

"He's out of it," Mike muttered quietly to Al on their way out the door, "I don't get it, but one day I might."

"Brian's just an anxious guy," Al responded, "Try as we may, our 'help' won't do crap to improve his mental health and overall mindset."

Mike stopped and said with a slight smirk, "I think Bruce can do something about it."


"He's into guys and gals," Mike explained, "I don't know about you, but I sense something between those two and it has me very curious."

Al shrugged, "Maybe."

Al- He can believe what he wants, I'm not fighting it.

(A few moments later...)

On the car ride to the venue, Mike and Bruce tagged along with Dennis in his red convertible. Bruce went on and on about the concept of free love, boasting it was quite possibly the greatest thing since sliced bread. It raised a debate between the two friends and eventually caused the middle Wilson brother to turn up the radio dial in annoyance. The radio station played Straight Shooter by The Mamas & The Papas and Dennis sang along, trying his absolute best not to scream.

"Man, do I love listening to the greatest group to come out of California: The Mamas & The Papas!" He exclaimed with a very slight tinge of sarcasm, "I can't get enough of those harmonies, Michelle and Cass sound like angels from heaven above. Maybe we should cover one of their hits, oh, that'll sure make us a better band and a close second in the race!"

Mike said, "I beg your pardon?"

"You heard me," Dennis smirked, keeping his eyes directly on the road, "They won that Grammy award for a reason, they're superior to us and we can't deny it's simply the truth."

Mike blinked, "You're joking."

"I stand my ground, Michael."

Dennis- He's so unbelievably stupid, it's almost scary... Don't get me wrong, The Mamas & The Papas are fantastic in their own right and I wore out my California Dreamin' single after one too many listens, but I don't love 'em that much. I just wanted to push that idiot's buttons and the Grammy comment really did it.

Bruce- Dennis didn't hold back, huh? We're all well aware Mike hates competition and that "greatest group to come out of California" line really grinded his gears. That's what he deserves, of course, no one can change my thoughts on the concept of free love. Thanks for that, Denny, I really owe you one!

Mike- I don't care if that little punk wants to mess with me, but I refuse to let anyone else take the glorious #1 spot for California bands. That rightfully belongs to The Beach Boys, Dennis surely inhaled too much of Michelle's sugary sweet perfume this morning because he's nuts!

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