Chapter Nine: Is It Any Wonder?

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Disclaimer: None of the events featured are true, nor will they ever be in this lifetime.

Unannounced Chapel: April 8, 1967

(The Beach Boys [Wilson] family cordially invites you to share in their happiness as Dennis Carl Wilson and Holly Michelle Gilliam unite in holy matrimony on this lovely spring day, surrounded by close friends and family. By the request of the group, several details will not be disclosed to the public and security will be highly enforced.)

Dennis paced back and forth, incredibly anxious as the moment of truth quickly approached. He couldn't quite believe he was actually getting married, the entire situation felt surreal to the drummer. It wasn't exactly something he planned to do, but times were desperate and he was too madly in love to sacrifice his young life to war and the misery which followed.

Carl fixed his tie and took a deep breath, going over his speech a few times to himself. As the best man, he had a fair bit of obligations to fulfill and the pressure surely was intense. He watched his older brother walk around in a frenzy, twiddling his thumbs to calm his nerves.

Carl- My brother is a nervous wreck, but he's holding his attitude together very nicely. He hasn't lashed out at any unlucky person yet, so we're making progress here! The ceremony will hopefully go by smoothly and Denny will definitely have a one way ticket out of a draft to Vietnam, we're all counting on that.

"You'll be fine," Bruce smiled, placing a reassuring hand on the drummer's shoulder, "I mean, you proposed, so be a man and get through it. You're Dennis Wilson, you don't take anyone's crap and you face things like a winner."

Dennis muttered, "If that was supposed to change my attitude, you're dead wrong."

"It's the gesture that counts, my good friend," Bruce responded, "You have to take it all in stride and remember why you chose to get to this point. And, once you walk down that aisle and look into Michelle's eyes, you'll forget your doubts."

Dennis- That was pretty smooth, not gonna lie there. Bruce ain't that bad at giving advice... or he just reads a lot of romance novels, that could be it.

Bruce- Literature is literature, no matter the genre. I read to love, to enjoy, to relate, to cherish the words upon a page... but sometimes I let it go and pick up a bit of Playboy to give the 'ol eyes a rest.


Brian chatted with Michelle, who appeared to be significantly more calm and joyful compared to her fiancé. She wore a white dress and had her hair styled into flowing curls, a far cry from the traditional wedding gown and over-the-top hairstyle women usually tended to sport on their big day.

She admitted, "I didn't really think I'd remarry so soon."

"Neither did I," Brian responded with a chuckle, "My brother isn't the marriage type of guy, but he's really head-over-heels for you and will definitely do his best to fulfill his duties as a husband."

"Oh, he's just incredible already," Michelle sighed happily, "He never treats me like a housewife and is just phenomenal in bed, really, I don't think anyone has treated me better than Dennis. I love him so much!"

Brian- *sighs* I kinda wish I didn't hear that, but alright.

Brian let out a nervous laugh and decided to change the subject, "You look really pretty, by the way."

"Thanks!" Michelle smiled warmly, "You look pretty cute in that suit of yours, Brian, I'm certain your lucky date will agree."


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