Six Simple Truths to Fat Release

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HOPE IS ALIVE and pulsing within us all. I am here to tell a story of courage, of faith, of allowing, and most of all, of love. My journey through life seemed long and hard. My struggles seemed so trying at times, but it is all very clear to me now why it had to be. It all was and is good, right, and perfect.

I was overweight as a young child. It brings with it a familiar pain that I still feel at times today as an adult when these old thoughts are triggered. I know the feeling of not belonging, of not being normal, of not looking like and feeling like everyone else. I managed to adapt, as we all do in life, and I managed to cope with the cards I had been given, even using them to my advantage at times but never seeming to get the fulfillment I was in an endless search for. Fulfillment eluded me regardless of the temporary successes that frequently came my way. I always had a knowing deep within my heart that there just had to be another way. Surely I was not put on this planet, or had not chosen this life, to suffer. Surely there had to be a better way, a better plan, something else that would just feel right!

This is the story of how I found that peace. I’ve unraveled what I did, went back and looked at it, and now I am showing you what transpired that you may find your way, too. Sometimes all we need is a little help to point us in the right direction, like a lost traveler in a strange land. Think of me as a friendly face on your path pointing you to shelter and comfort. There is no longer a need to feel lost.

Please know, wherever you may be, whatever your situation, there is hope. There is always hope. Even if your challenge is not even one of being overweight, please stop for a moment and get this. As long as there’s breath in your lungs and warm blood in your veins, there is hope. I’ve since seen so many magical things happen. I’ve witnessed beautiful things happen to even more beautiful people because they held their hands out to hope. Please believe and trust me when I say that you have the strength of the entire universe inside you, right now. You are a beautiful manifestation of a perfect world in perfect balanced order. I now know that there are no “coincidences,” as we call them. The events in your life are perfect, although you may not yet have figured out how or why yet. You don’t have to all at once. It will all be clear to you once you begin to step into the light.

            The ideas I lay out here are simple. You may or may not allow them to come easily at first, which will be up to you, but I encourage you to do your best to stay out of your own way and allow this to be as easy as it is and can be. The truth is simple; by nature, it is easy. The universe struggles with nothing; only humans do, and we don’t have to.

            We all know people who have touched our lives in one way or another somewhere along the line. I have been fortunate enough to have more than a couple. One was a high school history teacher by the name of Mr. James Littlefield. He once walked up to the chalkboard, drew a pie chart, and said, “There are things in this world that we know we know.” This took up a small piece of the pie. He continued, “Then there are the things we know we don’t know.” That took up a considerably larger piece of the chart. He finished, “And then there are the things we don’t know we don’t know.” That took up the vast majority of the pie.

You see, we know so little compared to what there is to know. I ask you to keep an open mind and suggest that some of the ideas here may actually fall in that last category. They are simple, greatly evidenced, and life changing.

One of the things you may not know is that becoming healthy can be easy. Forget whatever else you may think you know in regards to how hard it will be. Don’t be misled by your ego, which may try to convince you that it can’t be this easy. It has struggled with these problems your entire life. It has taken credit for every success and justified every failure. Its existence depends on your resistance to these simple truths. So, be aware of that little person and willingly surrender this ego; let your heart fully absorb what is laid down before you. The information contained can do no harm, only good. It’s based on your true nature. It is in you already. It should have a familiar ring to your soul like a song you know you’ve heard before.

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