the beginning

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NO one Pov:

Geno wake up to find Frisk sitting on the couch he asks him " did you sleep well? " Frisk nodded to Geno question Geno smile at him and go to the kitchen to make breakfast and some coffee he saw frisk closing his eyes and mumbling to himself he was worried, but he let frisk have some time to adapt to his new surrounding then heard the kids awaking Raven in hurry to talk with Frisk and sorell still sleepy and greap still sleeping and shino was faster than raven to show Frisk her anime's Geno was happy until he hear reaper being grumpy about his kids getting comfortable to the boy who beat his ass Geno call them for breakfast they all came except Frisk " Frisk come your food will get cold " Frisk said with faint smile " I don't want to bother you Mr. Geno I shall go back to my au even Mr. reaper don't want me here " Geno and his kids even greap from upstairs give reaper I look that say apologize or you out reaper take deep breath from all the looks and say " I am sorry for making you feel uncomfortable in my HOUSE " the last word he said he took a death look from Geno when raven said " don't worry frisk my dad always like that don't mind him and you will be fine so don't worry you are one of the family now so you don't need to worry about something like my dad " all the other kids agreed with raven Geno smiled to his kids , Frisk came to the eat he sit beside raven and sorell he eat his breakfast with smile on his face Geno saw how happy Frisk was eating with people instead of sitting in a lonely place for how long no one know they were eating and talking to each other reaper was acting childish glaring to Frisk Geno slap the back of his head to stop him from what he doing after eating and acting childish reaper go to his work he say goodbye to his kids and ignored Frisk , Frisk asked raven " where your dad go? " Raven answered him " he goes to his work you should know from his name " Frisk answered with nervous " I thought his name was for show " raven laughed so hard he was about to fall from the chair sorell was about to pass out from laughing Frisk his was red and said " I mean in my au there was people who use name for making themselves look cool " even Geno when he heard Frisk was laughing right now and said " don't worry it's his fault right I am going to buy some groceries goth will come today so don't annoy him raven " raven answered with annoyed " why you making me look like the bad boy here? " they all give him the look that he know the reason except Frisk who was eating breakfast before Geno warn his kids to not make Frisk uncomfortable or else they agreed and Geno say goodbye to his kids and Frisk they all continue talking when they finished eating and cleaned the dishes they go to their rooms except Frisk who said he want sometime alone he sit on the couch and closed his eyes and take deep breath and was mumbling that everything is fine it's been three hours Frisk heard the door knock he go to open the door excepting Mr. Geno but he see a figure that look like him.

Goth PoV:

I came to my parent house early I knocked at the door to see in front me a tall person with hollow eyes that looked like chara that was trying to kill my dad I got scared and got my scythe out but I got paralyzed by him I was standing in my place when I heard raven coming down and saying " don't fight you two Frisk this is goth , goth this is Frisk who live with us now " I look directly at raven being confused for what he saying that thing in front me is Frisk he released from his paralyze I put my scythe away and said to raven " from au he is? " knowing that he looks different from the others Frisks raven answered " he is from a new au my dad let him stay with us because he has nowhere to go " I looked confused " what about his au? " raven change his smile to one that sad " I told you he have nowhere to go " I understand from his expression that there are a reason I sigh and they let me in I sit on the couch saying " when will dad will come back? " Frisk answered me for the first time " Mr. Geno said he will buy some stuff and come back and say to not bother you especially raven " I looked amused by him he voice was kind and calm and scared for strange reason when raven said " I thought you didn't hear us " Frisk answered him " I can listen to voices miles away does it bother you? ", " no, it's awesome can you tell me what greap do right now? " I saw Frisk closing his eyes for seconds the he said " he talking to someone right now in the window " raven shouted with his annoying voice " dad is here " we heard someone fall and raven starts to laugh so hard greap come anger and said " it's not funny spilled ink is hurt right now ", " that's what make it funny " greap turned to see me he wave to me I didn't care because I was focused in Frisk right now he is strange person he looked like he did mistake he say " I'm sorry Greap it's my fault that he is hurt raven asked me to listen to you " greap give raven a dead look and say " don't worry is not your fault it's raven fault " then he drag raven upstairs to punish him I stayed with Frisk right now he look to me and said " I hope I don't give you wrong impression of me I. I'm nice guy " I smile to him and said " don't worry I know you are " he is right he seems afraid of others how they look at him I heard the door being open dad came finally when he look at me he said " hey Goth did you meet Frisk ? " I answered with smile " yes he's really nice and kind " dad look at us with smile and Frisk feel really happy that he got along so well with us

Geno POV:

It's good to see them all happily together even Frisk he's smiling I go to put groceries in the fridge Frisk to help me I smile at him everything was going good except for reaper who is grumpy because he lost to Frisk it's good he in the work

Author note:

Sorry for the late I had some stuff going on promise to make the next chapter longer

For the next see yea with pleasure nightd307

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2020 ⏰

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