The two refused to let go of the spool and they got a look at the other's carts. Sheet metal, bolts and electric connectors. "That's a lot of heavy metal. What are you working on?"

"That's a lot of ceramic carbine and drills. what babies are you working on?" She asked.

"None of your business." Izuku said.

"Can I help you two with something?"

"Do you have anymore 10 gage copper wiring?" Izuku asked.

"I'm sorry sir. We have 11 gage." The employee said.

"Do you have a respooling machine?" Izuku asked.

"Of course."

After the employee settled the argument the two were rung up and the pink haired girl introduced herself.

"My name Is Mei Hatsumi inventor extraordinar."

"Izuku Midoriya, founder of Stark tech and the smartest mechanic in the world." Izuku said smirking.

"Oh really?" Mei asked smiling "Wanna test that claim?"

"Oh and how do you plan to do that?"

"Come check out my babies and you can show me yours." Mei said.

"Your on." Izuku said.

Mei Workshop 

A shed behind an average household had many new inventions hanging up and laying around. Blueprints on a pegboard and incomplete prototypes on the workbench.

"Here are my flight boots." Mei said revealing a pair of steampunk pair of boots.

"Kinda clunky. Fan propulsion is a little slow. No way they'd reach higher than a few meters before burning out." Izuku said.

"Oh yeah well check out my wrist mounted rope launcher." Mei said.

"Again clunky. Limited rope storage and judging how thin it is I'm guessing it's got a weight limit of around 200 lbs." Izuku said.

"Oh yeah smart guy. Here's my solid state lithium ion battery pack. 600 kilojoules of power per gram." Mei said showing the battery and looking smug.


"Oh yea- really?!" Mei said smiling.

"Except it's again clunky and too big to install in anything other than heavy machinery." Izuku grinned.

Mei pouted and said "oh let me see your inventions."

Izuku pulled a wristband out of his pocket and put it on.

Izuku pulled a wristband out of his pocket and put it on

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He sprayed the ceiling and pulled himself up. "Stark tech bio cable is a synthetic spider silk reinforced with carbon nanotube. It's got a tensile strength in the hundreds of thousands." Izuku said demonstrating by lifting Mei and bouncing on the string. "A single pound could wrap around the planet and a single cartridge holds about a liter of pressurized web fluid."

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