Part 1

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Ellie's voice echoed through the large apartment. My best friend--my partner in crime. She was helping me move into my first apartment.

"Jamie Marie!!! Come here and check this out!"

I ran up the stairs, thinking she must have seen a spider. Despite her badass look, she was scared of many things.

I stepped into the 1st bedroom to find Ellie kneeling in a closet. Her blonde hair falling in front of her, she may have looked sick in her unmoving position.

"Ellie? What's wrong?"

Startled, she glanced up, and held a book above her head. A book--of all things.

I fell back against the door frame and dropped my head.

"Please dont tell me you called me in here to see a book?"

She huffed, and stood up quickly rushing over to me.

"Its not just any book. It's a really old journal. Marquis Debare."

I held the book in my hand, and gently flipped through the pages. It was pretty cool, but a terrible distraction from our mission.

"Ellie, we need to unpack as much as we can before my shift starts. I still need to get gas, and grab a bite to eat."

Moving away at 25 wasnt the hardest part of adulting. Finding a job was. I ended up getting a position delivering food in the city. It was a lot of gas and miles, but pretty good pay.

My parents were really supportive of me trying to find my own way in life. "Discover your path" was the kind of things they said. I was grateful when they were willing to help me pay for a new car. It wasnt fancy, or expensive, but it was cute and new. It would allow me to be able to bring in money for rent and that's really all I needed.

Ellie bounced down the stairs after me, and plopped onto the couch. Her foot knocked over a box of my things.

"Ellie! Damn."

"Sorry Jamie! I'm such a klutz."

She started repacking the box to keep the clutter from being too overwhelming. I realized the box she knocked over was a box of my old things. Memories from past boyfriends, things my parents gave me, and lots of pictures. I was homesick already, and started to tear up.

"No Jamie, dont cry!" She wrapped her arms around me. "We are in a new place now, and everything is going to be different."

As she said this, I looked down at the picture of Jeff. I left him behind too. He was my 1st love, and my last regret. Our parting wasnt civil to say the least. It was in court room that I saw him last. I was sporting a shiner from his latest attack on me. He came in the courtroom in cuffs. I glanced at my watch, realizing my flight would be leaving soon and I considered missing it. Ellie burst in the court room and pulled me out in time to make my flight here, to Chicago. She saved my from myself.

I slid my phone to online, with Ellie sitting passenger side, shuffling her feet in the floorboard. "Should have gotten a Charger."

"I dont need an expensive car. This one is cute and affordable." I said it with more perk than I was feeling, as I slid my hand around the slightly ribbed steering wheel.

"Why cant you just be a normal rich girl, and accept daddy's money." Ellie leaned back, and rested her head against the window, eyes wide, waiting for my response.

I'd known Ellie my whole life. Her parents filed bankruptcy when we were little kids, and I loved her even more. Her parents were blanketed with gratefulness that rich families couldn't understand. They were grateful for water, and air conditioning, and her. My parents loved me, but didnt really appreciate me, and the hard work I put in to save my own money. I was jealous of her.

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