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Nathalie had just finished fighting a bunch of teenage superheroes. She had constantly insisted on helping him, and today he allowed her. Saint Valentine was one of his best creations, but he abandoned the whole operation for her.

"Just because I collapsed does not mean abort everything!!?' She was furious, but her sore throat kept her from screaming at him. Nathalie kept giving him unapproving glances from the bed.

"Nathalie, please just try and get some sleep." Gabriel sat on the edge of her bed.

She signaled at the nightstand, trying to gesture at the notepad and pen. If she couldn't talk, she would still give Gabriel a piece of her mind. He sighed, handing her the wrong item on purpose.

"Mmmph!!!" Nathalie went to reach for it, but he pushed it further. Why couldn't he use his childish antics at the right time?

"sir..my throat hurts..please?" She looked up at him with beaten puppy dog eyes.

He gave her the item she desired, and she smiled.

"Sir, this is highly unprofessional! Couldn't I stay at my place? The tabloids will go crazy when they notice I stayed the night!" She jotted her thoughts down onto the notepad, handing it to him.

"I um... I guess you could. I'll drive you home, or the Gorilla will." Gabriel put his hand on her forehead; he had attempted to check her temperature.

"I'm sorry...I meant to tell you, but..the Gorilla already went home for the day..." She spoke softly.

"Oh.. I'll drive you back once your fever goes down. Till then, try and get some rest," Gabriel smiled, shutting the door quietly.

She touched her forehead, where he had touched her happily. If she were a teenage girl, she would've said she'd never wash her forehead again.

Duusu zipped around the room. Nathalie knew what this kwami was thinking, and she didn't want to think about it.

"Miss Nathalie, he loves you!!"

"No, he doesn't now zip it! Or he'll hear you!" She threatened with a soft tone.

"But-" Duusu protested, but she was cut off.

"wait..somebody's coming hide..."

Duusu did as told and hid under the sheets.

A subtle knock followed by a small voice, "Is somebody in here?"

It was defiantly Adrien.. She tried to speak, but her throat had other ideas.

He pushed the door ajar and peeped in. "Nathalie? Why didn't you say you were in here?"

She took the notepad, wrote down what she wanted to say, and handed it to him.

"Oh..I get why you didn't answer now..I'm sorry.."

"no, no, don't blame it on yourself; it's my fault." Nathalie smiled weakly as she forced herself up.

". . . Hey um Nath.. why aren't you at home if you're sick?"

Shit, what the hell is she supposed to say now? "I um..tried to make it into work...but your Father had other ideas.."

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