Chapter 17. Dreaming

Start from the beginning

And just because I got an lion as my Animagus form you now believe in this stupid legend that only lives in the minds of very old people? Is this truly the only reason why you are so interested in me? Because you think that I could be a Venefica and-

"So your form truly is a lioness?"

The way you can just intrude my mind tells me that you already knew that. You must know everything about me to this point...but this is just ridiculous. I didn't think that you were so desperate of power that you would harass a teenager who you think is a Veneficas. So tell me, what else does this supposed Veneficas then harness.

"You should be careful with what you say...the one wanting power is truly me...but the one that truly has the power...that is another question for another time. Veneficas can unleash it's true powers when truly broken down or betrayed in the most vulnerable ways. A Veneficas is truly a legend...but so am I and I'm real, aren't I?"

Then why don't you face me like a real person does?!

"Is that truly what you want? To face you and your immature friends, kill them and take you with me and force you to join me?"

You wouldn't do that!

"I wouldn't do that...not now at least. In the meanwhile you can start thinking about whether you want to start believing me or continue to live the lie you are living right now. But I'm telling you Aurora, you are holding your true self back...and eventually it will come to the light."

Alright, get out of my mind!! Now!!

"One day you will join me...or you will face a great tragedy!"

Out of my mind!!!!


My eyes shot open, but surprisingly were already used to the darkness that surrounded me completely. But I wasn't feeling he cold anymore, my body was warm, back to its normal temperature.

Sweat was even rolling down my temples as my body got out from the shock state it had been. I groaned and looked at the tiny alarm clock on my nightstand, noticing that it was only 4 in the morning, and Lord Voldemort had already got to my worst side by intruding my sleep.

But even though I wanted to joke about what had just happened, I knew that I had to share it with the people that wanted to protect me. Back in school, while talking with Dumbledore, he had told me about the Order of the Phoenix, a secret society, filled with trusted wizard and witches to fight against the Dark Lord and his troops. The Ministry could not be fully trusted, since it was way too easy to bribe to actually care about anything. So the Order of the Phoenix was highly popular amongst some of the Aurors. And while Euphemia and Fleament weren't officially part of it, they still helped and knew about it. But the person who created it all, was of course Dumbledore himself.

My feet met the cold floor as I walked across the room to my study desk, where I sat down and took out some ink and a piece of parchment. Immediately my mind worked on its own, and every single detail came out of my mind, explaining to Dumbledore about the encounter with he-who-must-not-be-named and how he had been stupid enough to believe such a legend to be true.

A Venefica was a children's story, made out to scare them and teach them a lesson about never to seek too much power, or it will consume you totally. Veneficas were described to be ugly, old, mean looking people. So how in the name of Merlin could a 15-year-old girl be such a thing?

I sighed and finished off the letter by signing my name into it, and then sealing it inside an envelope. Even though this all happened in a dream, I knew it was real. And even though Voldemort must be out of his mind to even suggest such a thing to me, I knew that Dumbledore would want to hear all about it. He would want to know all the ways the Dark Lord seeks power.

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