Ch 21. Internet And Fob Watches

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I sat at a wooden table and watched The Master as he fiddled with his laser screwdriver. I was curious about how different the laser screwdriver was from the sonic despite having such similar styles and names. I raised an eyebrow in amusement as The Master looked up then back down as if unsure if I was real.

"Master, are you ok?" I asked tilting my head slightly. The Time-Lord looked up at me as if surprised that I had spoken to him at all. I gave The Master a small smile trying to reassure him.

"Uh...yeah....just a" The Master muttered avoiding eye contact. I sighed in frustration it wasn't like I had expected a warm welcome, but this was a little too awkward for my liking.

"Well, do you have any questions?" I asked hoping to get him to talk. We had sent Misa to a safe-house and had one of The Master's many associates look after her while we laid low. It had been over a week since I had last seen The Doctor, Jack, BB, or L and I was feeling particularly guilty for making them all think I was dead.

"Um....I have one question." The Master began. I nodded encouraging the Time-Lord to ask. The Master seemed to debate whether he really wanted to ask or not before seemingly settling on asking." Why don't you hate me? You were with The Doctor, didn't you hear about the stuff I've done?"

I sighed at the weighted question and thought back to when I was in my world. I had alway's liked The Master's character and felt bad for everything the Time-Lords did to him just so that they would survive. I knew The Master's life wasn't pretty and had always believed that if he had had a more stable life and family he would have been driven crazy by the drums.

"Because I like to decide who I like and hate for myself and not have people decide for me," I responded quietly as I looked directly at the older Time-Lord. The Master searched my face as if trying to decide if I was truthful before nodding.


I had now been three months since my 'death' and I was finally getting back in the game. I had organized a safe house for L and Watari to stay at when I finally implemented the plan to save the detective and his caretaker. I had managed to gain Rem's support when I had saved Misa and the Shinigami had offered me her services.

The Master was an enigma wrapped in a riddle and dipped into a mystery. I was finding it hard to tell if the older Time-Lord was still insane or not as he would act as any sane person would. I had observed the Time-Lord curiously wondering if this version of The Master had somehow been freed from the drums that had been plaguing him.

I had unfortunately lost my Life Note when I had left the Task-Force since the notebook was being kept by Watari and the older man wouldn't have given it to me if I had asked while I was on the run. I had been involving myself as Tenshi in a much more normal way. Ever since the Kira case had begun the internet had began making huge leaps and bound and I now had an internet following of about a million people from all over the world collecting evidence, researching, communicating, and debating about the Kira case.

People often believed that L was the greatest detective and while this was true technically, it wasn't completely accurate. I had learned that when humans worked together to solve a problem, case, or to find something they could more often than not do things much faster than a single genius ever could. I used the minds of everyday people to find clues that the Task-Force and L would have never thought of and send it to them under a false identity.

"Tsuki? You might want to see this!" The Master called from across the room. I got up and wandered over to The Master and looked over his shoulder and at the computer screen. My eyes widened in shock as I read the headline of the article.


I paled and cursed as I ran my hands through my hair as I tried to figure out how I could salvage my plan. This was a disaster, The Doctor and L would not just look at this article and assume it was a conspiracy theory. They would most likely try and solve the whereabouts of the person who posted this and precede to try and get information, and with The Doctor, on his side, L would find me whether The Master hid me or not.

"This isn't good. We need to move to a new safe house." I decided and began to pack everything into our suitcases. The Master nodded and ran out of the room to tell his associates to prepare a vehicle.

As I was packing I noticed a small fob watch with Gallifayian writing engraved on it laying at the bottom of my bag and knew that it was a Cameleon Circuit. I bit my lip as I looked toward the door where The Master disappeared. I looked back toward the jeweled watch nervously before picking it up.

I knew that if I hid I would need to make sure that I was still able to have enough residual memory to be able to fight Kira. I looked at the side of the fob watch and noticed a series of buttons. I racked my brain for information about the device I hoped to use. I knew that the Cameleon Circuit was a dangerous piece of technology and if activated wrong could easily kill someone, after all, anything that rewrites your genetics and changes your species has to be deadly if not done right.

I heard The Master's footsteps as he began to make his way back to the room. I decided if I was going to do it I would have to do it now. I pressed a button on the pocket watch and stared as a golden light began to pour from my chest into the watch. At first, it seemed that there would be no pain but I soon realized that wasn't the case as an overwhelming amount of pain washed through me as I felt every cell in my body change its genetic code. After what felt like hours the pain stopped and I quickly fell unconscious and the watch fell from my hand clattering onto the ground just as The Master entered.

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