Ch 16. Physical Changes And Soulmates

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I was currently in my room at the Task-Force. I was panicking because an hour after the meeting with Misa I started going through changes. My eyes had gone from blue to red and my hair had gone from brown to black. Jack and BB were sitting in chairs across the room watching as I walked back and forth in front of them.

"Listen, Tsuki. I think you're overreacting about these changes." Beyond said rolling his eyes. I shot a glare at the L-look-alike.

"It's not the physical changes I'm freaking out about!" I shouted at BB in frustration.

"Then what is it?" Jack asked confused. I sighed knowing I had to tell someone.

"I'm hearing voices, Jack. They tell me to kill, hurt, or torture and I'm scared, Jack." I whispered. Jack and BB's eyes widened at the new information.

"Do you know why this is happening?" Beyond asked with curiosity and slight worry.

"It may be because I'm The Master's daughter." I revealed slowly. Jack's face paled as he nearly fell off his chair.

"What!" Jack screeched. I cringed at Jack's tone.

"I don't understand." Beyond muttered in confusion. Jack glared at me before he turned to BB.

"The Master is a Time-Lord that went mad and tried to destroy the earth. He also kept me locked up in a room and had me tortured for a year." Jack explained in anger.

"Jack listen I-" I started but was interrupted by Jack.

"No Tsuki. I need time. Don't look for me." Jack spat before getting up and leaving slamming the door behind him. BB was still confused and slightly angry at Jack.

"Why does it matter that The Master is your father? Your not The Master, you are your own person." Beyond said firmly. I smiled slightly. At least BB was on my side.

"Tsuki?" A voice from the doorway spoke. I turned and saw L standing there awkwardly.

"Hey L." I greeted half-heartedly. BB looked at L before getting up and leaving.

"See you later Tsuki." Beyond said as he rounded the corner. I was now alone with L, and my heart pounded against my chest. The last time I was alone with L was when we were racing.

"I am curious as to your......species. I am wondering if you would be willing to give me a brief explanation?" L asked with an intense look. I nodded and pointed to one of the empty chairs. L nodded and took a seat.

"Ask away." I said giving the detective permission. L looked thoughtful as he crouched on his chair.

"What is the average IQ of a Time-Lord?" L asked staring at me. I thought for a minute. I really didn't know the answer to that one.

"I suspect the average Time-Lord is around 200 to perhaps 300 in IQ points. Though I doubt that includes the geniuses of the species." I said. L's eyes widened at the number.

"I see." L responded looking thoughtful.

"Also I'm technically a Time-Tot." I said. L looked at me in slight confusion.

"What does that mean?" L asked. I shifted slightly as I tried to figure out how to reveal the fact I was almost immortal.

"Well, Time-Lords can live thousands of years. We all have the ability to cheat death. When we are about to die, we regenerate and turn into an entirely different person except for our morals, memories, and core personality. So due to the fact we have such long lives, we are not considered adults till about our 200th birthday. I am currently the same age as Light so I am still very young." I explained carefully.

L looked surprised at the information. I watched his expression morph from surprise into excitement and curiosity. As L thought of a new question I began to ponder why I was feeling this way toward L. It was too soon to be called love, but also too complicated to be just a crush. Perhaps I would ask The Doctor....or is it Dad now.....I guess I could call him dad and see how he responds.


As I walked into the T.A.R.D.I.S I looked around in awe. I still was having trouble believing the fact that I was in a mix of my favorite shows. I noticed The Doctor standing with his back toward me. I grinned and knocked on the wall to gain his attention. The Doctor turned at the sound and smiled.

"Hey, dad. I have a question." I said as casually as I could. The Doctor's eyes widened at the title I gave him.

"D-did you just c-call me dad?" The Doctor asked his voice barely above a whisper. I smiled shyly and nodded. The Doctor blinked for a moment before a huge smile crossed his face.

"Yes, I did. Now I seem to be having odd feelings around L." I said. The Doctor or I guess dad now looked curiously at me.

"What are the feelings?" Dad asked. I sighed as I thought back to my odd feeling.

"Well, I feel a pull from my chest toward L. I also feel oddly protective and possessive over him. I feel pain when away from him for too long." I said listing the Symptoms. Dad's eyes widened as I told him what I was feeling toward L.

"Tsuki, there is something about Time-Lords that I need to tell you." Dad started looking a little nervous. I tilted my head curiously as Dad shuffled on the spot.

"What is it?" I asked wondering what this was about.' He probably wants to tell you that you are a freak. After all Time-Lords are very high and mighty race while your just a human raised echo of what they are.' I shook my head of the voice before focusing on Dad.

"Well, Time-Lords have what humans call soulmates. The symptoms you told me are the common side effects of a newly discovered bond. Unfortunately, to complete the bond and become mates you have to have to tell L and have him accept the bond." Dad explained. My jaw dropped.

"I can't just go up to L and be like -Hi just so you know you're my mate. Please say yes to this aragment.- I mean he would have me sent an insane asylum!" I spluttered anxiously. Dad looked at me helplessly.

"It has to be you that tells him Tsuki. I can't do it for you." Dad said softly. I sighed knowing it was true.

"What happens if I don't complete the bond?" I asked Dad curiously. Dad looked down a brief flash of pain and grief appeared on his face before disappearing.

"Every case of bond suppression has resulted in eventual suicide." Dad revealed making me choke.

"What! Are you saying if I don't complete the bond I will die!" I practically shouted in horror. Dad just nodded.

"L will as well." Dad added making my face pale even further. I closed my eyes before opening them again. I sighed knowing what I had to do.

"I need a moment to think about this." I said quietly before turning and walking out of the T.A.R.D.I.S and back toward my room. My mind was everywhere, Jack left and I was now forced to ask L to be my mate unless I wanted to die and leave Dad all alone again. I was freaking out inside. I couldn't believe all this was happening. On top of it all, I had this voice that would randomly ask me to kill someone.' Why me!' I shouted into my head. Tears fell as I thought about how everything had gone upside down in the past several weeks.

I laid on my bed curled up as I thought about how perhaps it was just easier to give up. I shook my head, I couldn't allow L to die. not without at least asking him to accept the bond.' I would ask tomorrow.' I thought determined as I finally slipped into sleep.

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