Ch 1 Building A Reputation

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything (picture, video, or show(s))

EDITED: Feb-10 2022


When I woke the next day it was before sunrise, despite this I immediately started writing down a few names into the Life Note. A few minutes after placing the Life Note into my bag, I heard a knock on my door. I glanced up, blinking in mild surprise at the sight of Light standing in the door way.

"Hey Tsuki. I was wondering if you wanted to study together tonight?" Light asked as he glanced around my room. I thought about whether or not I would have time with all my plans, not to mention I wasn't really up to hanging out with my brother knowing he's already killed people.

"I'm so sorry Light. I have a meeting with an online friend tonight, I had already set it up." I lied and I felt a pang of guilt when I saw the disappointment on his face, after all he wasn't completely insane yet.


Once we arrived at school I sat next to Light, glancing at the bullies that I knew would start harassing another kid. I felt my hearts beat faster, I hated bullying though even I knew it was better if I didn't interfere. I glanced over to Light, feeling bad that I was going to be fighting against him. However I already chose my side of the game, it wouldn't be smart to switch sides now.

Sudo the school bully stood up and walked over to another classmate, clearly trying to intimidate another them. I growled under my breath, I hated bullies with a passion. I myself had been bullied on multiple occasions. I listened intently to their conversation, wishing I could jump in.

"Hey, Ryo, buddy." Sudo stated sneering as he leaned against the desk, his eyes never leaving the other students face.

"Oh, what is it, Sudo?" Ryo asked nervously. I had to restrain myself from interferring in the oncoming issue, I couldn't change everything about this world no matter how much I wanted to. I was a butterfly in this story and I was making enough waves as it is. Any intentional waves I made had to be done cautiously, or it would make predicting events harder.

"Didn't you want to lend me 20 dollars?" Sudo asked smirking, Ryo looked heartbroken at the demand.

"Mmm. Again, but I can't do that." Ryo responded half-heartedly. Ryo looked at his money with a sad frown, before he slowly handed the Sudo his money with a disappointed expression. I glanced over at Light and noticed him giving Sudo a dark glare, making me shiver involuntarily.' Dang. I hope Light doesn't give me that look anytime in the future.' I thought with a wince.

"Sweet! Looks Iike we will be hangin' at the arcade after school." Sudo said laughing, before he turned and walked back to his desk. After a moment of inner conflict, I stood up and walked over to Ryo. I searched my bag before pulling out a few bills, even if it would bite me in the ass later on.

"Here. Take this. don't worry I have plenty more." I whispered with a small smile. Ryo looked surprised before returning the smile, I cursed my bleeding heart...or hearts in this case.


As Light and I made our way home I couldn't help but think about how I was supposed to hide my extra hearts and alien DNA from L. The paranoid detective always checks a person's background if they so much as breathe in a suspicious way.' This game is going to kill me.' I thought chuckling at my morbid joke.

As we entered the house I could see mom was surprised at our arrival.

"What a nice surprise. I wasn't expecting you two to be home so early." Mom said cheerfully with a wide smile.

"Yeah. Hi, Mom, it's because ...oh... the results of the nationwide exams." Light started before diverting the conversation. I glanced over to my twin-by-birth-date, scowling at the knowledge that he just wanted to get to the Death Note as fast as he could.

"I've been waiting all day." Mom confessed squealing, I knew she was excited to see the results. I also got the results out of my bag, handing them to her at the same time as Light.

"Here." Light said. I looked over mom's shoulder and smirked, Light's score was lower then mine.' Is it cheating if I use my natural intelligence, whether it was from being a different species or not?' I thought absently.

"Goodness! Tsuki, No.1 again! These are the highest scores you've had, and look Light's not far behind. He's second." Mom said happily. I was beaming.' Take that Light!' I mentally cheered. Light just looked at me annoyed, but me being the mature person I was stuck out my tongue out at him.

"Good job Tsuki. I'm going to study in my room, so please don't interrupt me, OK?" Light said rolling his eyes at me, I shrugged and followed Light up the stairs to my own bedroom.

"As you wish Light. Oh, Light. Tsuki. Do you want anything at all? You can ask for whatever you like." Mom asked and I hesitated, tempted to say yes. Eventually I said no and entered my room.

"No, I'm fine, Mom. Thanks, though." I heard Light call down the stairs.


As I was quietly placed my bag on the deck I heard a girly scream through the wall, I smirked knowing that Light had just met Ryuk. I pulled the Life Note out and after a quick search, I easily jotted down 64 names before closing the notebook back up and placing it into my drawer.

"Should I try and contact L, or wait till he installs cameras and give him a hint?" I thought out loud. I juggled the idea around for a few minutes before reluctantly deciding to wait.' It would be worth it. Plus I am undoubtedly going to be a suspect for the same reasons as Light will be.' I thought.

I started looking at L news clips and started making posters, I wanted to be seen as a fan of L. However I didn't want to be seen as being obsessed with him, it would be a smart move to get on his good side and flatter his ego. That way I could have a reason for all the weird L facts I love saying at random times, thought I probably should avoid some since I shouldn't know them regardless.

I was just starting to relax when my eyes widened and I sat bolt upright. There on my computer screen was a website.' The legend of Tenshi, huh. How did I get a worshiping fanbase overnight!' I thought frantically before facepalming. Of course, people coming back to life would be noticed quicker than people dying from heart attacks in prison cells, I forgot about that fact.

I just hoped this wasn't going to come back and bite me, otherwise everything would be for nought. I groaned, now I had to be careful.' Although, bringing people back to life isn't illegal. Right?' I thought curiously before shrugging, either way L's attention was probably caught now and I would have to be discreet.

"Tsuki? Would you like some apples?" Mom asked as she opened the door. I turned and smiled at my mom, surprised I was getting apples like Light was.

"Sure, mom." I responded with a smile. I thanked her before taking a bite out of an apple, mildly impressed by how yummy it was.' Well, step one is complete. Now all I have to do is wait for Light and L to make their moves.' I thought grinning from ear to ear.

I yawned loudly and decided to head to bed, I was excited about how tomorrow would turn out. Things were just beginning to take hold and soon I was going to be in a war of minds, wits, and strategy. Life was never going to be the same, yet for some reason I wasn't mourning the loss of my peace and quiet.

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