Ch 10. I'm The Main Suspect

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L's Room

"Hm. Hey, Ryuzaki." Soichiro asked with a thoughtful expression.

"Yes?" L responded with a bored tone as he tried to figure out the odd situation that happened the night before. L was incredibly confused as he thought BB was in a mental asylum. L decided he would have to ask Watari to check on BB's condition.

"I've been thinking about the purse snatcher and the embezzler's heart attacks two days ago. It seems my family couldn't have had any knowledge of them before they died. Shouldn't that resolve any doubt you have?" Soichiro asked hopefully as he stared at the screen.

"You may be right. Even though Kira can control the time of death, I don't think there's any way he could have arranged their deaths without having seen the broadcast first. Hm, your son and daughter have come home." L said leaning forward in concentration.


"In the past few days, I've listened to all of our audio recordings and reviewed the video footage we captured, I've gone over them many times. And I've come to a conclusion. Our surveillance of the Kitamura and Yagami households has revealed....nothing. We'll remove the cameras and wiretaps." L stated with a hint of disappointment. L had been hoping for something other than some weird stranger and BB entering Tsuki's bedroom.

"Huh. All that and we still don't have any suspects." Matsuda said in frustration at the dead lead.

"It's OK, Matsuda. We'll have to pursue other leads but we'll get him." Soichiro said determination in his voice.

"Hm, please don't get the wrong idea." L said as he gazed around the room." I only said that we were unable to reveal anything suspicious based on our surveillance."

"What?" everyone asked in unison.

"Even if Kira or Tenshi was among them, I'm sure he wouldn't make it obvious. No. In fact, it could mean he was able to continue killing without doing anything outwardly suspicious." L explained carefully.

"Well, then you believe that Kira is among one of those families?" Soichiro asked visibly deflating.

"As I've said, there's a 5% chance." L responded." Kira never stopped killing people even while the surveillance cameras were in place. I still have no idea how he's been able to commit these murders or how Tenshi is reviving people, but let's say they could kill and revive someone simply by wishing death or life upon them. You'd think that any human being would've shown at least some emotion, some sign that they were knowingly committing an act of murder or revivals. So the obvious conclusion is that Kira and Tenshi couldn't be one of them. However what if they are one of these people we've been watching? If they are, we have to assume that their psyche has reached godlike proportions. Punishing evildoers and reviving who they want without the slightest change of expression, it almost makes you want to believe that Kira and perhaps Tenshi don't exist and this is just wrath of revengeful gods. But that idea is completely absurd to think that gods would need a person's face and name to kill or revive them. No. These are not acts of some gods but a couple of very childish and immature people who want to pretend they're gods. That's what's going on here. A mass murderer who calls himself Kira and a supposed hero called Tenshi exists somewhere. I'm sure of it and I will catch them. But I can't count on Kira or Tenshi making any mistakes. It doesn't matter how long we watch them, they're not gonna expose themselves to us. So what should I do? Ideally, I would get to know them well enough that they would admit to me that he was Kira, or Tenshi and show me how he kills or revives."


Tsuki's Home

"Light, Tsuki hurry up. You don't want to be late. Do your best. Also, don't forget to take care of Sayu." Mom called cheerfully as her children. I rolled my eyes playfully before booking it out of the house.

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