I could barely contain my laughter at the furious look on Light's face as he realized he almost screwed himself over. I looked between the two as I thought about whether I should leave. I decided that it was better that I stay and help L in case something went wrong.

"Besides, you told me yourself that you missed having me around at school, so I figured why not come back for a little change of pace. As long as it doesn't kill me, college is a lot of fun." L said clearly taunting Light. I raised an eyebrow when L said school was fun. I wouldn't say it was fun at all with all the rules I have to follow.

"I have to admit, without you around, intelligent conversation is hard to come by." Light said truthfully.

"Hm, I see. Luckily, Kiyomi is there to fill the void?" L asked giving Light a look that said -really Light? I hid a giggle behind my hands as I tried to ignore the conversation.

"Well, something like that." Light mumbled.

"Hey, ain't you wanna have some cake with me in the cafeteria?" L asked curiously. I looked at my watch and sighed in boredom. I was hoping to be able to talk about the case with L, but it looked like he was fairly preoccupied.

"Sure. I have a break now, anyway." Light said with a smile.

"Hm, that's perfect. I'm kind of craving shortcake right now." Lresponded looking in the direction of the cafeteria longingly. I put my stuff into my bag and turned to Light and L.

"I'm going to go now boys, bye" I said waving before walking away.


Task Force

"Watari, has she said anything yet?" L asked as I walked into the room. My eyes widened in surprise at the fact that we were already at this point in the plot. I was hoping to find the first notebook and burn it along with the one I had in my possession so that both Light and Misa would be able to live normally.

"No. She hasn't spoken a word." Watari spoke through the com system. I walked over to L and looked over his shoulder at the monitors that were set up. The screens were black but I knew that L would turn them on any minute.

"Get me a visual of her, will you?" L asked. I watched the screen apprehensively as I waited for Misa to appear on the screen, I felt really guilty at the fact that she had ended up in there.

"Are you sure?" Watari asked no doubt feeling like the Task0Forc was better off not seeing it. I had to admit that I agreed with the fact as when the screen flickered on the look on Dad's face was murderous. I was shivered as the Oncoming Storm made an appearance in the room.

"Oh!" The Task-Force said gasping as Misa appeared in a very illegal restraint system.

"Uh, L? I would suggest taking Misa out of her restraints. My Dad is not a person you want on your bad side." I hissed in the detective's ear as I kept giving Dad quick glances t make sure he wasn't doing something he would regret.' Oh, you poor thing. Wanting to protect your friends and family knowing their all going to die. I hope you suffer darling, it will be so much fun!' I winced as the voice shouted into my mind. L and Jack shot me a look of concern.

"Tsuki, this is the only safe way for us to ask her questions. We can't risk letting people in." L said softly as he gave me a look. I glared at the man and scowled in disbelief.

"Ryuzaki! What's the meaning of this?" Soichiro asked as he stared horrified at the screen.

"I've apprehended her on suspicion of being the second Kira. I'm afraid this is necessary." L answered calmly. I took a deep breath as I tried to calm myself down.' Kill him. It's the only way. You want to save your friend then? Then kill L Lawliet.' The voice whispered enticingly and I almost gave in before I remembered that L was my Bond-mate and I wasn't going to be able to hurt him and live with myself afterword.

"You could have people wear masks when they go in. There is no need for this kind of action!" I said shouting. Everyone including Dad looked at me in shock at my outburst. L stared at me for a minute before looking away.

"Ms. Yagami, if you can't be here without causing a disruption I suggest you leave now." L said his voice like ice. I gave a mirthless laugh before grabbing my stuff and walking out of the door.

"Good luck not dying or catching Kira without me, detective," I called back slamming the door behind me. I marched out of the building before jumping onto a bus. I decided that I would go to see BB at his house while I cooled off.


BB's House

I knocked on the door as I wiped away a few tears. The sound of cursing and someone running was heard before the door swung open revealing a jam covered BB. I gave the ex-killer a look over in confusion. BB just scowled and stepped aside to let me in the house. I walked in and noticed a large kiddy pool in the living room. Inside the pool was jam. I slowly turned to BB in disbelief and he just stood there looking awkward.

"Really Beyond? A jam pool?" I asked. BB shrugged nonchalantly as if a jam pool was the most normal thing in the world. I shook my head in exasperation as BB climbed back into the pool.

"So, Tsuki. What are you doing here? I thought you were helping L." Beyond said as he ate some jam. I sighed and placed my bag on the floor by the door.

"I was, but he got angry when I questioned his interrogation skills," I said frustration and sadness coating my words. BB gave me a look of sympathy before sighing.

"Well, Tsuki. L is often one who will sacrifice anything and everything for the sake of the game. He did it with A and with me. He is probably doing it with Matt, Mello, and Near aswell. He is someone who doesn't think of how his actions hurt the ones around him." Beyond explained carefully. I nodded at what BB said knowing that L wasn't one for a heart-to-heart session unless it was for the benefit of the case.

"Well, do you mind if I crash here for the night? I don't want to be around when Dad tears L limb from limb." I said making a small joke. BB nodded before putting his focus solely on his precious jam. I laughed before heading to the guest room and throwing my shoes off and collapsing onto the bed. I closed my eyes and fell into darkness almost immediately afterwords.

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