Ch 12. Grandma Comes To Visit

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I was sitting trying to read a book while Dad and Papa were talking about some things that they hoped to change now that they had confessed their feelings. The main issue I had with my relatively new eyes was that snake eyes were not built for reading which made everything really hard to deal with when you adored books.

I finally set the book aside with an annoyed huff before walking over to Hades who was curled up in a ball in their dog bed. The large Pit-Bull's head lifted slightly as Hades gave me a large lick. I giggled slightly and preceded to rub Hades's belly before stiffening at the Aura that I now felt arrive in the room. Dad and Papa noticed not long after and immediately ran over putting themselves in front of me as The Almighty or Grandma appeared.

"What are you doing here?" Dad growled as he assumed a protective stance. Grandma simply tilted her head as if trying to decide the best course of action.

"Raphael, I see you have finally decided to tell Aziraphale of your feelings," Grandma said narrowing her eyes slightly. Aziraphale gulped as he looks from the former Demon to the goddess.

"Yeah, so? Also never call me Raphael, my name is Crowley." Dad snarled. Grandma's Aura flared slightly in irritation and I whimpered as I felt fear instinctively spread through my body making my wings come out and fold around me.

"A-Almighty, what are you d-doing here?" Aziraphale squeaked fear clear in his tone. Grandma turned to the Angel and seemed to calm down slightly.

"I am here to assign the one who will be in charge of the New Domain," Grandma said looking directly at me. I gulped nervously and shuffled behind Dad.

"Well then? Who is it?" Dad asked in a cautious tone. Grandma seemed to smile slightly as she looked at each of us for a few seconds before speaking.

"Eve is you, leader," Grandma revealed calmly. Dad and Papa's jaws dropped clearly not expecting an eleven-year-old to hold enough authority to be able to command them.

"What?!" Dad and Papa screeched in shock but Grandma was already gone having gotten out as fast as she could. I smirked as Dad and Papa slowly turned to look at me.

"So....anyone know how to rule a Domain?" I asked looking from on Archguardian to the other. Dad and Papa just shook their heads slowly apparently not believing what they had just heard.


After a brief discussion on what the rules, laws, and what we stood for Dad suggested a break which I was grateful for since my brain felt like it was half-dead. I couldn't believe that I was in charge of a whole new Domain and I was only physically eleven and it's not like I was able to tell people who I was before being born into this universe, they would send me to the looney-bin.

I rubbed my eyes and sighed suddenly feeling the weight of my new responsibility. I hadn't been the best leader in my past life and was almost certain that trait had carried onto this life as well since I was always willing to do as someone said as long as I didn't have too hurt someone. Also, I was fairly bossy and was told plenty times that I shouldn't order people around for the sake of it.

"Dad? Can we do something else?" I asked after the five-minute break. Dad sighed and looked just as bored as I was bet shook his head at the suggestion.

"Sorry, Eve. You need to learn the basics of leading an occult or ethereal Domain in order for you to know how to avoid wars or confrontation with Hell and Heaven." Dad said apologetically. I nodded with a disappointed huff and began researching the subject again. I had been researching for hours and it seemed like I wasn't absorbing the research at all. Papa had miracled all of the research books into audio versions so I could get the information without hurting my blue serpent eyes.

"Fine, Dad. Are we almost done at least?" I asked hopefully. Dad shook his head before smirking in amusement when I groaned and dramatically faked my death.

"My dear, I am sure you will have time on the weekend to have a bit of fun," Papa said as he came into the room and placed a Hot Cocoa in front of me. I nodded my face lighting up at the sweet drink.

"I guess, Papa. Thanks for the Hot Cocoa!" I replied as I took a sip. I pulled back from the drink relishing in the amused faces of the Archguardians as I gained a Cocoa mustache.

"Eve, we need to finish this section before your bedtime," Dad said gaining a serious expression. I took another sip before I raised an eyebrow in question.

"Why do I need sleep if Angels and Demons don't need it?" I asked in confusion. Dad tilted his head in thought as he seemed to tried to find a way to explain it.

"Well, your body is technically yours while we are given our bodies and you are used to having a normal sleep schedule," Dad explained. I nodded and smiled at the former Demon.

"Dad.....Papa....I'm scared....what if Heaven and Hell try and get revenge?" I asked my voice wavering as I thought about the outcome I dreaded. I had managed to advert the vision I had of them dying earlier in my life but I had no idea if I was going to be able to prevent other things from happening especially since if Heaven or Hell triggers a war our Domain would be severely outmatched.

"Oh, Eve. I can't promise everything will be fine, dear, but I will try my best." Papa whispered softly. Dad nodded ruffling my hair making the ends stick up.

"Yeah, kid. We will protect you till our last breath. Don't worry too much." Dad said with a wide grin that didn't quite make it to his eyes. I gave the two Archguardians a small smile hoping more than anything that they were right, because if not things would get bad and fast.

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