Ch 9. Aftermath

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Third POV

Two Day's Later

Crowley was currently sitting on a stool next to Eve's bed as the monitor that measured her heart-beat beeped steadily. It was hard for Crowley as he had only just met his daughter and was already possibly going to lose her. It had been touch and go for the last 48 hours as Eve had flatlined more times then Crowley wanted to admit.

Aziraphale wasn't much better in the coping department, in fact, he was worse. Aziraphale hadn't moved from a chair in the corner of the room, not even for a book or something to eat. The Archguardian kept mumbling that it was his fault and that he should have been paying closer attention to Eve.

"Angel?" Crowley asked tentatively still using Aziraphale's old title. Aziraphale looked up to Crowley's eyes an almost heartbreaking dull glaze over his eyes.

"Yes, my dear?" Aziraphale responded without much emotion. Crowley got up and walked over to Aziraphale and knelt in front of the Archguardian, concern visible on his face.

"Aziraphale, love. Our daughter will be fine. She is a fighter and will continue to fight to stay with us." Crowley whispered as held Aziraphale's hands. That was all it took to push the poor former-Angel over the edge. Aziraphale leaned forward and began sobbing into Crowley's shoulder as the former-Demon held him.


Two Weeks Later

Aziraphale had eventually gotten back to his old self, though slightly less upbeat. He had taken to talking to Eve every day to encourage her to wake up. It had been a rough several day's but Crowley was always there to pull him out of any depressive states he ended up in. Aziraphale was currently making himself a cup of co-co when Crowley walked in the feeling of joy on his face.

"Crowley, what is it, my dear?" Aziraphale asked the bubbly Archguardian in confusion. Crowley didn't answer as he pulled Aziraphale toward the room they had set up for Eve.

"Angel, hurry-up!" Crowley complained laughing. Aziraphale was highly confused as he followed the Archguardian into the room. At first, nothing seemed ant different, then he saw Eve sitting up in the bed a tired look on her face as she smiled at him.

"Eve!" Aziraphale exclaimed as he rushed over and began to fuss over the young Antichrist. Crowley just stood off to the side grinning as Aziraphale's eyes had lit up like the sun.

"Hey, Angel, give the poor girl some breathing room." Crowley teased earning a half-hearted glare from the other Archguardian before he continued fussing over Eve.

First POV

I smiled at Papa as he checked that I was healthy and if I was hungry. I managed to push my annoyance of Papa's fussing off to the side knowing I must have worried them horribly while I was unconscious. I smiled up at Dad as he approached the bed staying out of Papa's way as if his life depended on it.

"Hey, kid. How are you feeling?" Dad asked as he sat on the stool beside my bed. I gave Dad a small but tired smile.

"I'm fine, Dad. Just a bit tired." I responded as I yawned. That seemed to break Papa out of his fussy mood as the Archguardian sat down as well and gave me a small but happy smile.

"That's good, Eve," Papa said softly before giving Dad a small kiss on the cheek. I watched in amusement as Dad's face turned scarlet as he blushed.

"Angel! Not in front of Eve!" Dad complained as he tried to hide his face in his hands. Papa and I just laughed at the Archguardians expression as he tried to calm down. I noticed how tired my parents were as I watched them bicker.

"How long was I out for?" I asked. Dad and Papa turned to look at me. Dad looked down and Papa fiddled with his bowtie absentmindedly as they tried to avoid my gaze.

"Two weeks kid, give or take a few days," Dad whispered softly. My eyes widened at the amount of time I had been worrying my parents over whether or not I would be ok.

"I'm so sorry Dad, Papa. I didn't mean to get hurt, I just wanted to save you from getting into trouble." I said looking down at my hands as I tried to imagine the fear and panic Dad and Papa had to go through the past couple of weeks.

"Oh, Eve. We aren't mad at you, though we will be having a serious talk with you once your up and about again." Papa said wagging his finger in the last part. Dad and I shivered at the prospect of the conversation we would be tortured with.

"I don't think we get that drastic, love." Dad tried to argue before he gave up when Papa gave him a hard look. I gulped at the serious and annoyed look on Papa's face. This was going to be a long recovery I decided before I cuddled up with Dad and drifted off to sleep.

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