Ch 10. Getting Scolded

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I had been in bed for about five days before I was allowed out of bed. I had bent reality so I would heal faster, which had made Dad pretty angry as apparently I could have done more damage than good if it had gone wrong. Dad and Papa were currently helping me out of bed and onto my feet.

Papa had arranged it so we would have a discussion about safety after I make it to the sitting room at the back of the shop. Dad kept protesting that I had learned my lesson and didn't need to be lectured on safety, but Papa wouldn't give in. I was almost scared of the talk I was about to get as it was clear that even Dad was scared.

"Papa do we really have to talk? I have been in a bed for days and all I want to do is go outside." I complained as Papa walked me over to a chair. As I sat down I pouted at the former Angel in annoyance.

"Eve dear, you know that this must be done. I will not have my new daughter die because of reckless decisions." Papa said sternly. I groaned and nodded as I saw Dad drape himself over a couch causing me to giggle. Papa looked over at Dad before shaking his head in exasperation.

"Angel? Can we get this over with?" Dad asked almost begging. Papa gave the former Demon a glare as he walked over and sat down beside him.

"Crowley my, dear. You know how important this is. Our daughter almost died for....someones sake!" Papa said his voice almost cracking with emotion. I looked down in guilt as I realized how worried I had made my Dad and Papa. I hadn't realized that we had bonded so quickly in the course of the last several weeks. I felt a couple of tears fall onto my lap as I waited for Papa to stop scolding Dad.

"Hey, kid? You alright?" Dad's voice asked cutting through my thoughts. I didn't respond till Dad came up and kneeled in front of me and lifted my chin slightly. I saw Dad and Papa looking concerned and that's all it took for me to completely break down into sobs. I grabbed my Dad and pulled him into a hug which caused the Archguardian to yelp in surprise. Papa came over and knelt next to Dad as he whispered reassuringly into my ears.

"I'm s-sorry Dad, Papa. I didn't m-mean to get y-you so worried. I'm a m-monster." I said hiccuping. Dad held me close even though it was clear this was highly awkward for the Archguardian.

"Eve dear, we are your new parents. It's our job to worry about you. It isn't your fault." Papa said softly. Dad nodded as he pulled away looking like this was something he had no idea how to handle.

"You promise I didn't mess up?" I asked hating my younger body's weakness to emotions.

"Of course not, kid. You did a brave thing, reckless but brave." Dad said with a grin showing his fangs. Papa sighed and nodded as he accepted that he wasn't going to have the heart to scold me anymore.

"Crowley's right, dear," Papa said smiling at me. I slowly stopped crying and wiped the tears away.

"Thanks, Dad, Papa. I love you both." I muttered softly. Dad's face lit up like the sun as he basked in the fact that I loved him. Papa looked ready to burst with pride at the declaration.

"Thank kid. It means a lot." Dad whispered still smiling though trying to hide it.

"Can we go have ice cream Dad?" I asked as my stomach grumbled. Papa's eyes lit up as he looked at Dad pleadingly. Dad looked from one of us to the other before groaning.

"Fine," Dad mumbled in defeat. I smirked at how Papa and I had Dad wrapped around our fingers. Papa clearly knew this and gave a thankful kiss on the Archguardians cheek. Dad turned scarlet and looked away muttering about traitors.


After a few minutes Dad, Papa, and I walked out of the bookshop. Papa locked the door behind us making sure that the closed sign was up in the window. I jumped up and down happily now that my legs weren't asleep from being in bed for so long. Dad had put his sunglasses on and had given me a pair of his.

"Papa! Hurry up....I want the ice cream before the next century please." I complained. Papa gave me a half-hearted glare as he walked up to us. Dad smirked at the irritated Archguardian.

"Alright, you two. Into the Bentley." Dad said cheerfully. Papa and I paled in horror at the word Bentley. I tried to run but was scooped up by a laughing Archguardian. I glared at dad as he plopped me into the car. Papa hesitated for a moment before getting in as well.

"Please, Dad. Don't go fast, I nearly threw up last time." I begged. Dad just chuckled and shook his head an evil glint in his eyes. I shared a suffering look with Papa before I had to cling to the Bentley as we rocketed forward.

After several minutes of non-stop driving, Dad skidded to a stop in front of a small ice cream shop. I stumbled out of the Bentley and moaned dramatically. Papa wasn't much better as he had to lean on a lamp post to steady himself. Dad just walked past us both and into the shop laughing the entire time.

"Dad is so going pay for that," I vowed as I felt the world go back to being straight. Papa surprisingly nodded and gave me a grin that made me shiver.

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