Ch 8. The Ultimate Sacrifice

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When we arrived at the bookshop I got out of the car before collapsing face-first on the pavement. I groaned as I tried not to throw up all over the ground.' I love rollercoasters, but dad is on a whole different level.' I thought as I morbidly began deciding what I wanted for my funeral. Papa didn't look much better as he also stumbled out looking slightly green.

Crowley looked at the two of us with a wide grin on his face and laughter in his yellow eyes. I scowled and like a mature person I stuck my tongue out at him. I looked at my tongue in shock as instead of my average tongue I had a forked tongue. Crowley also looked surpised at that but seemed to shake that off pretty quick.

"Crowley, dear. If you drive like that again I won't hesitate to paint your car pink." Papa said with a warning in his tone. Dad and I looked at Papa in shock. Papa just gave us an innocent smile before turning to unlock the bookshop. Me and Dad shared a look of horror at the realization that now Papa didn't have to follow Heaven's rules anymore.' Maybe I could prank them.' I thought smirking.

"Of course, Angel. Wouldn't dream of it." Dad responded quickly. Papa glanced back with a raised eyebrow. I giggled at the two Archguardians. All three of us walked into the bookshop and gravitated to the back room.

"Dad, Papa? I was wondering when the Apocalypse is due to start." I said curiously. The two entities looked at each other in hesitation before Papa sighed and sat down quickly followed by Dad who draped himself over the couch like a pile of laundry.

"Listen, kid. I won't lie, you most likely will be targeted by Heaven and Hell for the rest of your existence. Especially for changing our species as that is something until now was only able to be done by The Almighty. Hell will want to use you and Heaven will try and kill you. I'm sorry you have to go through that." Dad said with a note of guilt in his voice. Papa gave Dad a reassuring look which made the entity blush.

"Will you two either kiss or stop blushing like idiots!" I snapped getting fed up with the two of them. The two Archguardians looked like deer caught in the headlights.

"W-what!" Dad spluttered. Papa was beet red as he looked anywhere but at Dad. I gave them my best 'Don't bother lying to me' face.

"It's so obvious that you two love each other. I'm eleven and I can see it!" I said in exasperation. The two entities looked at each other barely concealed hope in both their eyes. I honestly felt like a couple's therapist with how oblivious they were with their feelings.

"Do really love me, Crowley?" Papa asked softly sensing the others panic. Dad tried to respond but ended up doing an impression of a fish before he swallowed and nodded rapidly. Papa looked like Dad gave him the world, which was probably fairly accurate.

"Ok....I'm going to go look around." I said awkwardly. Dad and Papa nodded absently and I slipped out of the room. I shivered at the thought of them getting intimate with me right there.' I should have waited till after everything was resolved.' I thought annoyed at myself. I sighed and walked around the shop looking at the books carefully. I was having trouble reading them and cursed my eyes for their weakness.


I decided that while Dad and Papa were talking or doing other things I would face Gabriel and Beelzebub alone. I couldn't stand the thought of my new parents getting hurt because of me. I looked toward the back of the shop with a sad look before leaving the bookshop and heading to St. James Park. I would stop the Apocolypse if it was the last thing I do, I wouldn't lose Dad and Papa.

I climbed onto a bus and waited for the right stop. Looking out of the window I thought of what would happen if I failed in stopping the Apocolypse. I closed my eyes before collecting my power, I released the energy into the air creating a beacon for Heaven and Hell to find me. I opened my eyes as the bus stopped at the Park.

I got off and made my way over to the middle of a large grassy area. As I waited for the Horsepeople I raised a barrier to stop Dad and Papa from getting into the Park. I wasn't going to risk them getting found out. The sound of motorcycles revving was heard and I watched War, Famine, Pollution, and Death walk toward me. I narrowed my eyes before taking a step toward the for entities.

"I demand you stop and go back to your lives." I ordered my voice dripping with power. I waved my hand erasing the last months of memories from the four entities before returning them to their last locations before they were called. I heard the sky rumble before lightning struck the ground revealing Gabriel who looked angry. Beelzebub also arrived in what looked like a mini volcano.

The Demon and Archangel walked toward me in sync. I just watched calmly as they stopped in front of me. I raised an eyebrow and giving them a bored look. The Archangel had a false smile on his face that was faker than a plastic fruit. Beelzebub looked annoyed and confused by my eyes.

"Eve, I demand you restart the Apocolypse." Gabriel snapped in irritation. I straightened up and flexed my back letting my stone grey wings out. The Archangel and Demon looked shocked clearly not expecting wings. I let my blue serpentine eyes glow with power as raised my hand and prepared to snap the two enemies from the earth.

"I refuse." I stated simply and snapped my fingers. Gabriel and Beelzebub were transported to their respective domains. I sighed feeling tired at the use of my powers, after all, I hadn't used them to that extent before. I felt a rumble underground as Lucifer worked his way to Earth. I stumbled as the enormous Demon dragged itself out of the ground.

"Daughter. What is the meaning of this?!" Lucifer snarled at me. I lifted my hand and began to erase the King of Demons. Lucifer snarled at me in fury but I just stared in defiance. I thought it was over but just before Lucifer faded completely he through what looked like a sharp dagger at me. My eyes widened as Lucifer disappeared and the dagger flew toward me hitting its mark faster than I could think.

"Eve!" I heard a shout as the barrier fell around the Park. I looked down and saw the dagger sticking out of my stomach. My shirt began to turn red with my blood and I looked toward the sound of the shout barely able to see Dad and Papa running toward me as my vision blurred. I turned toward them giving a smile before I lurched backward as I collapse on the ground.

"Eve, darling, stay with us, don't you dare give up." Papa spoke sounding like he was going to fall into hysteria. Dad picked me up and tried to heal my wound. I smiled up at the Archguardians as they tried to help me. I coughed as I felt a stream of liquid that was most likely blood ran down the side of my mouth.

"S-sorry Dad....Papa....I both." I choked out before all my senses seemed to fail and peaceful darkness enveloped me like a blanket.

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