Chapter 6

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After exchanging numbers with Jinyoung, he wanted to hang out. Since you were a bit tired and missed hanging out with friends, you said okay.

He offered to take you to the food court. You nodded your head yes, because you were starving.

You guys got to the food court, sat down, and Jinyoung ordered the food. When he came back with it, you were really excited.

You started digging in, noticing that Yuri was waking up. Once she was awake, she asked you to sit of your lap. You smiled and nodded, removing her from the stroller and placed her on your lap.

Jinyoung tried talking to her, but she was focusing on eating your food. She really wanted some, so you let her have some. While she was eating, you got a phone call.

It was from Gongchan. You smiled and picked up. "Hello?" You answered in a cheerful voice. "Where are you? I came home because I missed you." He sweetly said.

You smiled and turned red. "I'll be home in a few minutes. See you soon~" you responded.

"Yay! See you soon~" He said, sounding cheerful. You smiled and hung up.

"What going on?" Jinyoung asked. "Well, Gongchan wants me to come home because he misses me, so I'll be leaving now. Bye."

You quickly left, putting Yuri in the stroller. You quickly drove home, put Yuri and Jongsuk in bed for a nap, and ran downstairs to Gongchan.

You jumped onto him, while hugging him. He laughed and hugged you back.

You asked him why he missed you so much. He shrugged and so did you. "I saw Jinyoung."

He looked at you with his eyes big. "What did he do?" He asked you. You told him everything and he looked relieved.

You smiled at him, feeling really happy with everything. You got up and went to the kitchen to start cooking.

After a few hours, dinner was done. You, Gongchan, And Yuri sat down at the table and enjoyed the dinner.

You prepared Jongsuk's food and went upstairs to feed him. After doing that you came back downstairs, washed the dishes, and sat down.

You heard your phone go off, so you grabbed it and checked it. The message read

"Hey ____. It's Jinyoung! Text me when you're not busy! Bye! "

You felt uncomfortable when he sent the heart emoji. You tried to forget about it, convincing yourself that it was just friendly.

You read it and thought about what to say for a while. You finally responded with

"Hey! I'm kind of busy right now, but I'll get back to you later! Bye! ^^"

You then turned your phone off and put it down, still uncomfortable.

You wondered if you should've even given him your number...


hello everyone. I'm really happy and idk why

My Bestfriend, GongchanWhere stories live. Discover now