Chapter 9

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You walked back downstairs, feeling sorry about lying. But you remembered it was for the better.

You walked back downstairs and sat next you Jinyoung. "What did you tell her?" He asked you.

You just shook your head and sighed. He tried to put his arm around you but you stopped him.

"I-I'm sorry." You said, getting up and grabbing your car keys. "If they wake up, just feed them."

You left the house and got in your car, tearing up. You drove away with no idea of where to go.

You drove for a while and found yourself at the mall. You got out and entered, over whelmed by the amount of people near the entrance.

You didn't know why they were there, so you pushed rough the crowd and got to the front.

You broke down in tears. You saw your husband, Gongchan, with a gift bag with your name on it, passed out on the ground.

You fell down to the ground crying. "Ma'am, do you have any relation to this man?" An ambulance worker asked.

You nodded rapidly and showed him the ring on your finger. They took him in the ambulance on a stretcher and you in the seat next to the stretcher.

A few hours later

You woke up next to Gongchan's hospital bed, holding his hand. The doctors came in.

"We ran a few blood tests and found out that he was trying to overdoes on sleeping pills. When that didn't work right away, we came to the conclusion that he decided to go to the mall and buy a present for someone, not knowing the sleeping pills would come into effect anymore. He'll be fine, we're going to keep him in for a few nights, though."

You nodded and thanked them as they left the room.


hey! I haven't wrote in so long, sorry! but I'm starting Again and sorry for a short chapter, too. I'll talk to you soon! bye!

My Bestfriend, GongchanWhere stories live. Discover now