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The alarm went off again, waking Maeve up two mornings in a row. "I am going to throw a bolder at that phone and then you." Maeve threatened as she dug herself deeper into Garfield's side, her legs tangled with his, her arm draped over his back while he propped himself up on his elbows, stomach down. "Gar's log. Stardate, June 22nd. Day beta of operation save the Titans. Day Alpha went pretty good besides Maeve and Tara making a small earthquake while shopping." Maeve whined as he sat up, making her cold. "No progress on the Conner front, though, but a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step... a thousand miles... Lets begin." As he was about to get off the bed completely Maeve latched on to him, her legs wrapped around his waist. "Maeve, let go." She pouted as he glanced towards her. "No, we are not having a repeat of yesterday morning, no, no, no."


Maeve smiled as she moved to the side of the bed, her bare back completely on view she bent down and got one of Garfield's shirts from the ground and put it on and standing up. "You want coffee?" She looked to her boyfriends whose hair was a complete mess. "Ah-huh." She smiled triumphantly, walking out of the room to begin making to coffee for herself, Tara and Garfield.

Just as she turned the machine on Garfield walked in. "Tomorrow, no sex." "Are you telling me or asking?" Maeve asked "Telling." "Okay." She replied. "What, really?" "Yeah, you don't want sex, your choice, who said I even wanted sex tomorrow? What if I'm not in the mood tomorrow? What if I get my period? You never know." Maeve said as she pulled three mugs out. "Good." She saw Garfield nod. "What's good?" Tara walked out dressed for the day, she was in work out gear, most likely going to train.

"Garfield isn't getting sex tomorrow." "What did you do?" She asked Garfield. "No, no. It was his idea." Maeve corrected her, and the 19-year-old slid the mugs to the two, keeping her's. "Oh." Tara mumbled, nodding her head slightly as she took a sip of the coffee. "Why?" The girl asked the green haired boy. "It's his choice. If he don't want it, he ain't gonna get it." Maeve said as she walked back to Garfield room, making sure to put an extra sway in her hips.


The alarm yet again went off to early in the morning, Maeve didn't let it buzz a second time because she made a bolder and let it fall, breaking his entire nightstand, Garfield groaned. "Really" He mumbled into her neck which was where his head currently was as they woke up with Garfield the big spoon, which happened more regular than people thought. It mainly happened throughout the night as they tossed and turned. "Shut up and sleep in with me." Maeve responded. Garfield tightened his arm around her bare stomach. "Are you naked?" Garfield asked groggily, lifting his head up a little. "Wouldn't you like to know." Maeve responded, her eyes remaining closed. "Now close your eyes or the next bolder goes on you."


By the time Maeve finally got out of bed it was around 10. She walked past Tara's room which was on the way to the kitchen, seeing her getting dressed to actually leave the tower. "Where are you going?" Maeve asked. "Out." She the 17-year-old responded. "To where?" "Coffee, there's a cute guy there." She replied. "Ah." Maeve finally understood "Good luck." And began walking to find Garfield.

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