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The teens watched as Dicks eyes began to blacken, a black colour surrounding the area around his eyes, black veins moving down his cheeks, this was not the Dick the teens knew, this was not the Dick Maeve had grown to care about. "Let him go." Rachel demanded as she looked into Dicks blackened eyes, completely empty. "Let him go." She snarled, turning to face her father, her black magic smoke flowing out of her hands as she directed her power to her newfound father, he raised his hand and the smoke disappeared as if it never existed. "I'm afraid you're grounded... no more magic." He said.

"I won't let you do this." Rachel said, standing her ground against her blood. "Let me?" He questioned. "You did this. You brought me here Rachel." He added. "Your purpose was to bring me into your world, the whole journey you've taken with your friends, it's all been to make this moment happen." "I couldn't be more proud." Angela said as she moved beside her beloved. "You've given this world a gift." "You never loved me." Rachel realised. "You used me." She stated. "Oh, sweet girl, this is so much more important than love." Angela replied.

"Just let him go." Rachel pleaded yet again. "Look around you daughter, all there is here is loss, betrayal, and decay. Everyone you love will leave you by their own hand or in ashes. Nothing lasts. The only thing that awaits you is disappointment. You will lose everyone. It's heartbreaking isn't it. Let your heart break... it's inevitable. And then you'll be free to join me. Our future will be glorious." He finished. "Loved the speech, sounds like you worked hard on it, but she's going to have to pass on your offer." Maeve said, having enough of this man. "Rach, we gotta go." Garfield said. "Gar." "Run." Garfield said, dragging Maeve by her hand up the stairs.

Once at the top of the stairs, "no offence, but your dad is an asshole." Garfield commented. "Tell me about it." "Maybe later Rachel." Maeve commented sarcastically, the three watched the hall get longer with each passing second causing the to watch, unsure of what to do. "Well, that's not creepy at all." Maeve mumbled, mainly to herself. "Come on." Garfield, who still had a hold of Maeve's hand forcing her to follow. "Oh yes, let's go down the creepy hallway." Maeve commented, Rachel looked back at her with a face. "What! you know I resort to humour when I'm nervous." She replied, Rachel rolled her eyes as she grabbed Maeve's other hand. "Why am I getting dragged, I'm older then both of you." "Rachel! Come out and play."

"Come on, we need to find a way out." The two dragged Maeve up a set of stairs into a room. "What is happening?" Garfield mumbled, mostly to himself, but everyone heard it, once in the room, Rachel and Garfield released Maeve, who helped Rachel to close the door and lock it. "What is happening?" Garfield whimpered, the two girls looked to where the green haired boy was looking, seeing the eyes in the photos resembling Dicks. "Its my father. He's doing this. He's trying to scare us." Maeve laughed nervously. "Well, it's fucking working." Maeve turned to Rachel, everyone turned around to the wall and watched as a black, something, began to spread over the wall, like a parasite, and as quick as it appeared it was gone. "That dude is totally messed up." Garfield stated, Maeve looked at him wide eyed. "And you're figuring that out now!" She shrieked. "What ever he did to Dick he wants to do to us. We've got to get Dick back to normal. There's got to be some way we can reach him, make him hear me."

𝐕𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐘. garfield loganHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin