just another filler chapter: Couple Vacation

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Mio's POV,

I finally put the cream on my left cheek, flinching a lot throught the process. It's been three days since the concert and the bitches, my cheek was recovering very well. Actually, it was almost gone.

After their concert, our CEO and JYP gave both of our groups a three weeks vacation. We could either go to our families, visit loved ones, or hangout with friends. Apparently, Jisung and I decided to go on a trip. Just the two of us.

The doorbell rang. Speak of the devil. I smiled and pulled my luggage out of my room, walking towards the living room. Jisung turned around and saw me, giving me a kiss on the cheek as I hugged him.

"Hey, you ready?" he asked.

"Mhm.." I answer. "Bang Chan's waiting outside?"

Jisung just grabs my luggage and pulled it outside with him. Waving goodbye to my members.

The girls gathered around my slowly before wrapping their arms around me. "We'll miss youuuu..." they squeezed me tighter.

"Yeah, yeah." I chuckled. "Don't kill me before our trip."

The girls laughed and let go of me, guiding me towards the car that awaited us downstairs. Scratch that, it was a van. The rest of Stray Kids were inside.

"MIO!" they chorused, waving at me through the window.

I smiled and opened the door, getting inside before the girls decided they didn't want me going.

We reached the airport in no time, thanks to Chan's incredible driving. Yes, I nearly puked. On our way here, I remember them teasing Jisung in the back by giving him packs of condoms. I laughed.

The airport was full of fans, reporters, and cameramen waiting for us. They knew about our trip as our companies had announced, asking the people to give us space.

There were bodyguards infront of our van, opening the door for us. I thanked them as Jisung and I got down, our luggage beside us. We waved to the cameras and to the fans, standing there for a while. Jisung soon grabbed my hand and started walking inside, the guards making a protective circle around us.

While waiting for our plane, our tickets in our pockets, we decided to grab a snack at a small cafeteria in the airport. After minutes of debating which food was better, we landed on buying donuts and iced drinks in a small stall.

As we were buying, I saw fans in a table beside us, taking pictures. I turned to them and waved, showing off my smile.

The girls were swayed and they clutched on their chest dramatically making us chuckle. I continued to bite on my vanilla-filled donut. I hadn't noticed but, there were white crumb on the side of my lips. Ugh, disguting. What happens next will probably be cringey.

Jisung chuckled. I raised him a brow. "What?" I asked.

He pointed the side of his lips, soon pullung out his tongue to lick the side. Me being the oblivious idiot I am, answered with,

"Are you trying to be sexy?"

Jisung gave me a face of complete disbelief and annoyance. "Girl, what? You have  crumbs on the side of your lips."

I pouted. "You could've just wiped it like any other handsome fictional boyfriend would have done." I whined.

He scrunched his brows and wrinkled his nose, giving me a face of disgust. "Ew. Don't tell me you're about to start ranting about how perfect Robert Pattison is."

I gasped dramatically while Jisung stuck his tongue in disgust. "Don't tell me you're jealous of him."

Jisung jockingly shivered. "Wha- no."

I laughed, my eyes turning to cresents. I got busy laughing so much that I didn't notice him leaning forward. When I finally composed myself, Jisung's face was a few inches away.

I chuckled. "Jisung what are yo--?"

He kissed the side of my lips softly. My eyes widened, my whole body heating up.

Jisung parted, though his face stayed beside mine for a moment. "Now, now. Robert Pattison can't do that, can't he?" he asked, his voice deeper and seductive.

I blushed and shook my head.

"He can't make you flustered like I can, can't he?" he asked once again. I shook my head.


We were so indulged in our moment that we completely forgot about the girls that were filming us.


We arrived in Paris after several hours. Rhe sun was about to set, giving the sky a beautiful hue of orange and pink. The view was breathtaking, even when we only had landed.

Jisung guided me through our way outside the large airport. We called a cab to get us to our destination. I did all the talking as I knew how to speak in French. Lucky for us, I was multilingual.

The cab lead us through small road, a little bit far from the Eiffel Tower. He parked us infront of a tall building, french letters shining brightly forming the name of the condominium.

We payed the fee and went inside, only to be greeted by an old lady. She must be the owner. I talked to her about our reservation and she led us to the top floor.

The room was not big, but it was perfect for Jisung and I. It had only one bedroom, one bathroom, a fairly large living room, and a mini kitchen for us to cook.

The place was cozy and the vibe felt like home. There was a large sliding glass door at the living room, which led to a balcony.

I went inside, Jisung getting the keys from the old lady. Our luggage's wheeles rolled on the floor. I stopped in my tracks and looked at the view outside.

It was beautiful. Breathtaking. Magnificent. Whatever the word was. I've never seen anything like it.

The Eiffel Tower was seen from here. The city lights were colorful and bright, despite the dark sky.

"Woah.." I heard Jisung stop behind me. "It's worth it."

I chuckled and continued walking. "Yeah.."

I reached the bedroom door and carefully swung it open. The room looked simple but still beautiful. With a hanging mouth, I entered the room and sat down on the bed. It was so soft, and it smelled very sweet.

Jisung soon came in with both our luggage. "So this is where we'll be sleeping for three days." he said and smiled. "I love it!"

"Yeah. The bed is so soft." I said and plopped down, patting the space beside me.

Jisung smiled and jumped beside me, groaning as he hugged the fluffy pillow to his face and fluttering his eyes close."Omg, it is."

I chuckled and scooted over to him. He felt me moving and opened one eye. He smiled.

"Cuddles?" He asked.

I didn't answer. Instead, I grinned and scooted more closer, soon nuzzling my face on his chest. Jisung wrapped an arm on my waist before kissing my temple.

"Let's sleep before we go out and eat, yeah?" And with that, we doze off.

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