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"What can I do to make you happier?"

"Fix every humans moral compass."

"how can I make that better?"

"you cant."

"What can I do then?"

"kiss me."

where jimin is sick of everyone around him being unhappy, specifically a certain min yoongi.

+ min yoongi, outcast, rebel, a unapproachable entity, its said that if he glares at you, you're cursed with bad luck for eternity! unpredictable, watch your back.

- park jimin, loud, weird and friendly person, average student, extremely shy without at least one of his friends around. huggy/clingy, kinda bipolar. hurt one of his friends and you'll get jumped.


                    Min yoongi:                                              Misunderstood as a bad boy, just wants a friend but is to shy to make the first move because whenever he tried before they'd scream and run away

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                   Min yoongi:
Misunderstood as a bad boy, just wants a friend but is to shy to make the first move because whenever he tried before they'd scream and run away.

once he gets to know you be prepared for all the love,care and attention in the world. little bit possessive and gets jealous very easily. big fluff ball, can and will throw hands for his friends

has a resting bitch face, doesn't realise it scares everyone and thinks they all dislike him for no reason,big trust issues.

has a resting bitch face, doesn't realise it scares everyone and thinks they all dislike him for no reason,big trust issues

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                       park jimin:

A super gay and spontaneous and random, huge insomniac, bit bipolar, can be very kinky at times,don't touch his food or you'll get bitten,if he eye smiles at you,be prepared for your icy heart to melt.

average student,will find him sleeping in every class, actually really smart just doesn't care about much anymore, in a rebellious faze.

super loud when excited, can go from very happy to extremely sad, secretly skips math class to go practice dance in the abandoned art studio. just moved to bang-high school

                    Kim taehyung

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                    Kim taehyung

the definition of a best friend, playful little shit, doesn't know what 'no' means, will beat you to death with his sass, can be serious when its needed

secretly struggling with anxiety and depression, looking for someone he can lean on and trust with his heart,never let him borrow any of your clothes, you'll never see them again

pansexual and proud, very trusting,even if someone breaks it he believes in second chances,would never hurt someone on purpose,guilt eats him alive if he does.

pansexual and proud, very trusting,even if someone breaks it he believes in second chances,would never hurt someone on purpose,guilt eats him alive if he does

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                     Jeon jungkook:

the actual bad boy of the school, no one knows yet, all too focused on yoongi to notice the storm brewing under their noses. huge stoner, will smoke infront of teachers, the principle, even the cops

troubled and unstable teen who just wants his family back, has no filter and will cuss anyone out except a certain bandanna loving sweetheart, wants to get better but doesn't know where to start.

I'm so temped to make this vkook and a yoonmin story, every two chapters of yoonmin there would be two vkook chapters after, ill leave it up to you guys to deside.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2020 ⏰

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