Twenty-eight punches

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Y/n is slapped across the face waking her up. She's able to make out where she is now. In a small white room

She's tied up very well, she began to spit blood out trying to clear her throat

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She's tied up very well, she began to spit blood out trying to clear her throat.
"So y/n, you know exactly why we have you here" a tall guy spoke. She was still dizzy and could barely keep her eyes open, she began to laugh.
"Long time no see...James" she was punched in the stomach
"Where is she?!"
Y/n knew what they were talking about but she wanted to have a little fun
"Where's who"
James signaled the others to untie her, as the did y/n fell to the floor lifeless hitting it hard. She rolled to her side moaning in pain.
James Cabrera, close cousin to Marta Cabrera separates after her family left to the states, but they kept in contact. Y/n absolutely hates James he was the main reason why y/n's ex's Nick was forced to date her and get information out of her. James crouched down time her level and grabbed her face
"We know to have her, just tell us and your little boyfriend won't get hurt"
She smiled, her teeth were covered in blood
"I have no idea what you're talking about"
Y/n was repeatedly kicked, she began throwing up blood.

As ransom listened through the door he was grabbed and taken into a room. He tried to escape but a familiar voice made him stop
"Shhh, it's me Charles don't makes a sound" he whispered into Ransoms ear.
"How did you find me?!"
"We chipped them a long time ago, then tracked the gun you took from y/n, yeah I know weird but smart, needed for emergencies like this" Victoria pointed at the gun
"Y/n is in the room over there she's getting it really bad we need to do something now!" Ransom whispered
"Oh,okay" Victoria walked out and kicked down the door and began shooting everyone ran out the backdoors "forget about them!" Victoria yelled.
"Y/n you're so fucking stupid!" Ransom yelled picking her up from the ground.
"I know" she laughed as blood was dripping from her mouth. "You know blood is such a beautiful thing... you can even paint with it if you really wanted to...." She laughed more as she wiped the blood onto her hands
"What the hell?" Ransom said alarmed
Charles rushed to her and opened her eyes, they were red as the could be and her pupils were dialed so much you could see into her soul. 
"Nick?! How are you alive I-I killed you" y/n grabbed Ransoms face
"She's been drugged really bad we need to get her back to the hotel now" Charles grabbed her from Ransoms arms.
At the hotel Charles rushes y/n to the bathroom injecting her with an antibiotic to reduce effects of the drugs and ran a cold bath. Victoria quickly got on her laptop to check flights and a unmarked private jet was boarded to fly in the Next ten minutes. She knew it was James, she rushed into the bathroom telling everyone
"so you think y/n will be okay to fly in the next couple of hours?"
You could hear y/n throwing up in the bathroom
"Yeah why?"
"We're taking a trip to Australia"
Everyone looked at her crazy but they had to pay for what they did to y/n.
"How is she doing"
"Her heart rate has gone down and everything looks normal" the clear cold water had turned bright red
She only had a couple of bad scrapes that caused the bleeding but no big gashes. Her stomach was bruised really bad everything was black and blue due to the bad kicks caused by steel toe boots. But luckily no broken ribs. Victoria cleaned her up and took her to bed. "I'm so done with all this bullshit"
"Don't you guys deal with stuff like this?" Ransom covered y/n with a blanket
"Usually it's not us getting hurt like this, it started since you've shown up" Victoria rolled her eyes at Ransom.
"Anyways we have to leave now, Charles can we take her she'll just sleep on the plane."
"Yeah there should be no problem"
Everyone began packing soon as Ransom finished his bag he grabbed all of y/n's stuff too.
Ransom carried y/n in his arms while they drove to the airport. Ransom was beyond confused on why they needed to leave to Australia but he had a gut feeling it wasn't going to end well. The flight to Australia was 21 hours long Victoria slept a few hours but got to work looking for James. Y/n woke up confused and sick she ran out the small room straight to the bathroom to throw up. Charles walked over to the door and knocked lightly
"Hey you'll be fine it your body trying to get rid of all the bad stuff in your system."
"Where are we going?" Y/n breathed heavily
"What! Why!" Y/n quickly opened the door
" we need to find James" Victoria said as she typed on her laptop
" man I feel like shit" y/n sat in the floor and stretched.
"That tends to happen when you get the shit beat out of you"
Y/n still sitting on the ground looked at her bruised stomach and froze
"What up"
"How do you think Marta is doing back home?"
"If she's smart with the supplies you gave her, well she should be just fine" Victoria shut her laptop
"I'm going to just get rid of her as soon as we all go back home" y/n closed her eyes and fell back asleep.
"Ransom you girlfriend fell asleep on the floor" he laughed and picked up putting her back into the room. He placed her down and laird next to her.
As he watched her sleep he smiled, happy to know that she's okay and the people that hurt her will soon be gone. He gave her a kiss on the head and fell asleep too.

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