Four jobs

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It's been about a month that Ransom has been at the cabin. Y/n decided that going back after a few weeks would be a bad idea since Ransom broke out of prison. Still he tends to wake up at 6am to the sound on y/n leaving in the morning and then 8am when she comes back, he still wondered why she would leave and to where. He has his morning routine now , get up take a shower, brush his teeth, get dressed, make breakfast with y/n, clean up after make a cup of coffee drink it outside. Way better routine then the one in prison. Y/n and him don't talk much it's very quiet in the house especially when she decides to go to her room for hours and then come out like nothing. The only time they talk is during any meal or when he wants to pick on y/n for fun. It usually ends up in an play fight argument. Well except one day y/n wasn't in the mood Ransom said something that really ticked her off so she pinned him to the ground hard and then got him into a head lock almost chocking him out. From that day on he knew what the boundaries were. Oh and that getting up at 3am for a glass of water in the dark was also a big no, Ransom was kicked in the groin and again pinned to the ground with him yelling " Y/N STOP ITS ME" curled up in pain.

He was surprised that she could take him down but quickly realized how she was raised and that's normal of her to do. Little did he know y/n was the biggest hit man out there she's responsible for over 3 dozen disappearances and murders. She knows exactly what she is doing. Not one trace of evidence towards her she can point it to anyone she wanted to.
"Alright" y/n said to Ransom who was laying on the ground in the living. " get up you have training".
"Training?" Ransom said laughing but also questioning it. " yes get up"
She said looking at him
" No, I think I can take care of myself well enough I don't need training anyways what are you going to teach me you're just a girl why don't you call up your cousins boyfriend he can probably do better" he said in a mocking tone. Y/n wasn't having it. She quickly pulled a gun to his head and pointed at him. Ransom looked at it and smirked but that smirk quickly went away once she cocked it back. "I made you this new life and and take it away as easily" y/n said pissed off. Ransom quickly got up.
" since you wanna be the little brat you are you're going to do trenches" she said smiling at him.
" what the hell at trenches" he said pissed.
" oh it's where I take you out in the forest and make you dig out 5x5 holes in the ground with a shovel" and she finished that sentence it's began to thunder and rain. She pointed the gun towards him to walk to the car Ransom grabbed his boots on the way out and walked to the car. Y/n quickly sped off about five minutes later she stopped in the middle of nowhere and they both got out into the rain.

" since it's your first time you're going to dig out five holes I don't care how long it takes you or if you want to connect them as long as you finish them

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" since it's your first time you're going to dig out five holes I don't care how long it takes you or if you want to connect them as long as you finish them. Don't worry I'm right here so if you pass out from exhaustion I'll take you out of the hole before you drown." 
About 4 hours later and 4 and a half holes Ransom was dead tired and did pass out. Y/n dragged his wet body to the car and drove him home again dragging him out and into the house. He woke up sore and tired on the living room couch. " wow I thought you died on me for a second it wouldn't have been the first that's happened to me" she said laughing. " this is some bull crap what was the reason for that!" Ransom said very angry and annoyed with her. He began to yell when he realized he wasn't dirty and wet. He stopped and looked at himself. " you think I'm a monster?" Y/n said looking at him. " here have some tea it will help with the soreness" as she said that she put her cup down to hand a different cup to Ransom. Yeah she might have caused a little bit of pain but he started to like her style of work. As he drank his tea he just looked at her and smirked.
" well lucky you, you survived my first training I did as a kid, yup try being 13 years old and having your own father do that to you except I passed out after the second hole but my father took me back the next day to finish but luckily you did, kinda I don't really wanna drive you back to finish that half hole so I guess you passed" she said smiling at him. "Well it's my bed time so goodnight oh don't worry I have Four Jobs for you tomorrow " she said as she patted his head and walked away. Ransom looked at her till she looked down at him and then closed the door. He tried getting up but was too tired so he just slept on the couch for the night.

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