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Cam's POV

"Do things just feel different this year?" I turned my head and shrugged at Alyhssa's question. We were chillin after school in the game room that usually we all hang in, but more and more lately no one seems to show up.

"Like right now. It used to be filled in here." I saw her point but it didn't seem like that big of a deal.

"I don't really see a problem with everyone spreading apart. We're getting older. The smith siblings are still close don't get me wrong, but we're becoming more independent, especially Skylar and Bella, which is a good thing." I also feel like being the oldest and the only boy I should be spacing away from my sisters.

"You really think so?" She gave a questioning look and I nodded. I'm a senior and I have to leave next year for college.

"I heard those D'Amelio girls were becoming really popular. Charli is like more popular than Skylar, Sarah, Alex, and Claudia." That's a shock to hear. Someone more popular than Sarah Sales. I have friends who have tried getting lucky with her, but now this Charli girl is taking the spotlight.

"I can easily tell you that Skylar and Sarah don't care, but she's definitely not passed Sarah. Alex French on the other hand...I don't know." I'm pretty sure Bella hates that girl.

"What are you two talking about?" Kiyara and Nick walked in and sat on a couch on the other side of the coffee table.

"Freshman hierarchies." We all let out a light laugh. As upperclass men you realize quickly how little any of that really matters. It's doesn't really matter who is a popular or not.

"D'Amelio girl is getting really popular. I heard most guys lost interest in Sarah Sales, because she's kind of with Jack Johnson. He's a douche if you ask me, but whatever Ms. Drill team wants."

"What about Dixie? What's she like?" I asked and Alyhssa gave me an odd look. "Dixie is chill. She's been talking to Tayler Holder. He's a cutie, but it's nothing official. I thought it was going to be her and Nick Austin, but I guess I called that one wrong."

"Oof rare for you." Nick (a/n: not austin) laughed and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Talking about D'Amelio?" Alex and Kelley walked in and sat down. Now things were feeling more normal. I felt my phone buzz and saw a snap from Mav. Skylar and Mav fought a bit, but are chill right now. He's been over alot lately without even seeing her though, which is normal but feels odd now.

"Mav wants to come over."

"Okay, to see Skylar?"Alex looked at me curiously and I shrugged. "I'm not sure. He would have asked her then right?"

"She's been off lately."

"She's been changing all year, but we can't-and shouldn't try to stop that. Of course she's going to change it's her first year of highschool. That's a normal thing to do." Alex said trying to drop the conversation.

"She's got a good point." Kiyara said.

"No, something really seems off to me still. She doesn't seem completely different to you guys? It's not the same Skylar anymore."

"What?" We all turned and saw a confused Freshman standing in doorway before she stormed away upset.

"Damn it Cam good job." I knew I was right. There was something off about her.

"Alex hear me out. Please? Something is different about her I know." Alex looked conflicted. She knew that I was right, but she always wanted to do things her way.

"Alex, she's closest to you, just talk to her because if something is wrong she'll tell you."

"Okay fine. I'll see what's up."


Bella's POV

"When are you and your siblings planning on throwing another party?"

"I'm not sure, but damn Soph I really want one now. We really haven't had one. It's been a hot minute." Keeley agreed as we all chilled in my room. Keeley and Sophi were both friends outside of the cheer team. I think that's why our friendship was also stronger, because the question wasn't who didn't I like on the team rather more who did I like?

"So has French made you want to kill yourself 24/7 still?" Keeley practically read my mind.

"Don't get me wrong...I don't even know what to say. Alex is important on the team so I can't fight much with her. I also just want the team to do well. If we have all of this drama start with fights between eachother everything will fall apart before all of the competitions."

"Have you thought about going to the coach about her? She's crazy and maybe the coach will understand? Maybe..."

"Probably not. I'm afraid to go to the coach." So manh things could go wrong going to the coach. Cheer coaches hate drama going around their team. We're supposed to be sisters.

"Well let's just ignore the cheer situation then. How is Skylar liking Highschool?" I chuckled. I can barely even answer that.

"Well her and Sarah are buddy buddy again so I guess that's good. I'm not completely sure how she feels about highschool but like no one has caught on to her being a Smith kid."

"Wait really? I mean no one has asked either of us about it, but I really thought Cam would spill by now. He's terrible at keeping secrets."

"I know right!"

"How are you and Dylan?"

"Great like always. He's such an amazing guy..." I smiled to myself for a second. Anytime anyone mentions his name a wave of memories runs through my head. He just makes me really happy.

"Hey you should definitely talk to your siblings about that party. We need something to spice things up around here with all of these new kids. A Smith famiky house party would be just the push we need to make things at school more interesting."

"Yeah, you're right. I'll talk to them." I smiled thinking about all of the drama these parties bring. It's about time we had some fun around here again.

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