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Alex's POV

Kelley was rambling on as I passed a pissed off looking Skylar in the hall. I immediately pulled out my phone which caught Kelley's attention and she finally stopped talking.

"What's wrong?"

"Skylar seems upset."

"Alex, don't pop off on me, but I think you should let Skylar deal with stuff on her own. If she comes to you that's a different thing, but she's a highschooler now..."

"Okay, but what if she gets mad at me for not being there for her?"

"You're still there for her, but only by explict request. It'll help her grow up."

I gave a small shrug and bit my bottom lip. She might be right. I just don't know how easy it'll be for me to let go.


"How was school?"

"It was okay I guess. I sort of talked to Sarah Sales today. A lot of guys think I'm dating Mav. I also am apparently really attractive now and Mav thinks that guys are gonna like me."

"Well they are..." I laughed at me sister's oblivion. She didn't notice the glow up she had over the summer, but the rest of us definitely did.

"I don't see that big of a difference-."

"Sky come on now. You really are cute believe Mav. I get it that you don't like attention, but maybe just try to embrace some of it for awhile then reject it if you really hate it so much."

"Okay. I'll try." She folded her arms across her chest as we pulled out of the school parking lot. I blasted music with the top down the whole way home and got a few smiles out of the freshman.

Once we got home everyone set their things down in their bedrooms and then came and crashed on the couch.

"Tired?" I let out a small laugh and everyone, but me let out a groan.

"Highschool feels odd."

"Of course it does."

"Hey you all remember Sarah right?"

"Of course how could we forget her?" Cam gave a questioning look.

"She sat by me today and tried to talk to me. I just don't know how I feel about her and I maybe talking again." Skylar played with her hands nervously as she waited for an answer.

"I think you should try to repair things with her. You were best friends. If things go bad then it happens, but you should try to start fresh."

"Yea Highschool's a new start." Bella shrugged and nodded my head. Bella knows that better than anyone she also had a drastic change before highschool too last year.

"Yea you're right. I'm pretty sure we have most of our classes together so it wouldn't hurt to try."

We all seperated and went to our own rooms for awhile which was pretty normal. With alot of siblings and no mom and barely a dad it's good that were all close. We always spent some time together, but also had alone time.

Kiyara walked in my room and crossed her arms over her chest. "Are you worried about Skylar and Sarah?"

"No. They were best friends. Honestly Skylar still looks at her an odd way as if she wants to just walk up and say hi. Oddly enough I've seen Sarah give the same look."

"I just hope things don't go wrong."

"I don't think they will."

"For her sake I hope you're right..."

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