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Sarah's POV

"Why have you been so quiet lately?"

"I'm just tired." Claudia gave me an odd look and I shrugged as I watched someone walk by. Why can't I just get over that I messed up everything.

"Seriously Sarah, what's wrong with you?"

"I'm fine really."

"I agree with Claudia something is definitely up with you." Alex looked at me and frowned. She's the reason I hate being in this group. There's many reasons I hate being in this group. Claudia seems like my only true friend here.

Alex French tried to rule our group. She tries to call all of the shots, but it never works because everyone follows whatever I say which is odd. I'm not trying to be in charge. Perfect little Alex French is a cheer co-captain, why don't they follow her?

"Are you sure you're okay? Seriously Sales, you don't look okay..."

"I'm fine. I'll be fine. I just have a lot on my mind right now."

"Speaking of here comes that hot Junior." Claudia smiled over my shoulder as my eyes widened. He kind of has a crush on me and for once I think I like him back. I didn't look like an eighth grader by any means last year so many guys went after me and I'm sick of not being able to talk to a guy without them flirting or trying to hook up with me.

"Hey, Sarah right?"

"Um yea. That's me." My face is officially a fire hydrant. He smiled at me for a second and looked out behind me at some of his friends. "So there's a new movie coming out on Friday and I could really use a movie buddy. Wanna go with me?"

"I-uh yea sure, I'm free to do that."

"Great, here put your number in my phone so I can tell you when I'm on my way to pick you up." He handed me his phone and I nervously typed in my number. As soon as he walked away I felt a heavy weight lift off my shoulders.

"I see someone just got a date with the cute junior." Of course Alex had to ruin the moment by speaking. "His name is Jack."

"Everyone knows that Sarah!" Claudia let out a quiet laugh beside us and I softly punched her arm. How am I supposed to know who knows who.

"I heard he really thinks you're hot."

"He is too." I bit my lip as I thought about my date with him Friday.

"Ooo you're nervous!" Claudia nudged my arm and I shook my head. Even if I am I'm not gonna tell her that. I'll never hear the end of it. She'll just keep messing with me about. I guess that's what best friends do.

"I'll see you later, Mrs. Gilinsky." I shook my head at my obnoxious friend and walked to my next class, which is Biology.

"Hey." I looked up and my mouth went dry. I couldn't believe she was talking to me. She seemed upset last time I tried to talk her. She had some reason behind it too, but I expected her to be over it all by then.

"Umm hey, how has your day been?" I felt my smile widened when I finally processed everything. She was sitting next to me with a genuine smile instead of glare or look of annoyance.

"Well I am at school so it can only be sort of okay." She gave small shrug and flipped her pencil around her hand nervously.

"I know we just started talking and not hating each other," her smile widened at my comment and she looked at me intrigued, "are you mav a thing now? Like did something happen because you've always-"

"We're not a thing..." She frowned at the desk. I can't picture them being together. Not from how I knew them. "Sorry just curious."

"I don't blame you for thinking about us that way. Everyone seems to think we are dating, but were just best friends."

"I couldn't picture you two as a thing, but the rumors had me curious. I just find it hilarious that no one has put two and two together to figure Kiyara, Cam, Alex, and Bella are your oldee siblings. How have you managed to pull that off?"

"Duct tape on Cam and trust with the rest. I guess I'm okay with people finding out now, but I did not want the pressure the first few weeks."

"You still caught many people's attention..."

"Well speaking of rumors I heard you caught a certain junior boy's attention."

"Jack Gilinsky...he's really hot." We both giggled and shook our heads. "I've seen him you two would look good together."

"You think?"

"Yea, but he'll be the lucky on in the relationship." She gave me a quick wink and I blushed. "I have a date with him this Friday."

"Ooo okay, where to?"

"A new movie?"

Shylar shook her head and sighed. She looked at me then looked away then looked back as if she were debating on whether or not she should say what she wanted to.

"Just say it."

"That's soooo cliché!"

"I know, but it's also fun."

"It's a movie. You're supposed to be silent in movie theaters. The seats are always that comfortable and you have an arm rest inbetween you."

"Okay, but it's just the first date. I don't know him well maybe he just starts simple and becomes more romantic. Since when have you liked romantic gestures? I thought you were like anti-relationship?"

"I am, but if someone is in one I think they should do it right." She folded her arms across her chest and smiled with a slightly devious look.

"You like someone right now don't you?!"

"We're talking about you not me."

"You have to tell me!"

"I don't have to..." I playfully rolled my eyes and pushed her arm. "Is he from here-is it Mav?!"

"No no no, you remember Josh right?"

"Brown hair, blue eyes, nice smile?"

"Yes, him. I talked to him over the summer even though we go to different schools now and we kind of got closer."

"Oooo okay and?"

"I kind of like him, but I actually haven't told anyone before you because I just...I don't know why. I guess no one has noticed or asked."

"Well I can tell."

"Yea..." She gave me a puzzled look for awhile and we were both silent for a few minutes. She didn't say anything for the rest of the class period she just sat there silently playing with her phone case popping it off and on repeatedly.

I was actually sad to hear the bell ring for once. I wanted to talk more, but everything went silent after a good conversation. "Bye." She smiled softly and walked out of classroom.


A\N: incase you were wondering some of this is based off of my life and I'll give you more details are the story goes on :)

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