let bygones be bygones . . .

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| Portland, Oregon

Portland is an amazing place to live in. It has amazing grass fields, small towns here and there to collect business and help, and woods to hide bodies or burn vampires. In a comfortable change of clothes, Klaus breathed in the forestry of the woods he walked through and felt the fresh dirt under his feet. Never once had he thought of moving here, but for vacation or something similar to it, Portland was a nice place. 

"I should bring Ivonna here one day. The land's nice and she's always wanted some cottage."

With his arms swinging by his sides, Klaus was pulled from his calm thoughts at the ring of his phone. His stern gaze focused on the caller before answering the call.  

"Portland is fantastic. Once you get over all the whiny music and healthy looking people, it is literally a breeding ground for werewolves—"

"Your father is dead."

Four words Klaus has always wanted to hear froze him in place and stole the words from his tongue. His mind racked for the thoughts, ideas on a grand gesture to say, and quickly did he find his words.

"What did you say to me?"

With the phone pressed to his ear, Stefan looked around the living room of his home, to his comrades of a grand plan for support. Then finally, his green eyes dropped to the dead body of Mikael on the carpeted floor. The compelled vampire sat back comfortably a chaise before speaking again.

"Oh, my mistake. Not your actual father and not dead. Mikael. Daggered. What do you want me to do with the body?"

For a long moment Stefan heard nothing on the other side, which gave him room to breath. Then a cropped smile shone on his face. From wherever Klaus stood he asked what happened—an exact explanation on what happened. Of course Stefan would tell Klaus what happened, from when he met Mikael to whatever he needed to hear. What he wouldn't admit because he didn't see it was the other measure it took for their plan to work. 

One hour and a half earlier
Mystic Falls | Salvatore Boarding House

Love was one of many words Ivy-Rose would use to describe her relationship with her sister. She adored Rebekah, fawned over everything she did, and obsessed over her like a mother when no one remotely close to them acted like the sort. Through every trial Rebekah went through Ivy-Rose was right there—from romantic troubles to matching the right petticoat to a gown. On the other hand, Rebekah knew her sister was the perfect voice for reason during perfect moments and situations. Now that Ivy-Rose was up and running like usual, she should me perfectly sound in mind. In a family ridden of boys, vengeance-thirsty monsters, and men with poor taste, having the most loveliest sister like Ivy-Rose was the best weapon she could ever have. 

So in times of desperate need, i.e finding the perfect Homecoming dress and securing the best escort out there, Rebekah turned to the puppy on her hip. 

"Please, Ivy. You have to come with me. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and you're just throwing it away!" With a dress bag in hand, Rebekah ran at a normal pace. A blur of black, white and denim ran ahead of her, yet she pushed on. "Plus, you've never been to a Homecoming dance before!"

Since the sun broke through the clouds and she was greeted good morning by an empty house, Rebekah had been trying and failing to bring her sister on the Homecoming train. The whole Boarding House had their share of running into, door banging, and yelling into by the sisters. Fortunately they were alone or else all guests would have witnessed first-hand madness arise in her system. 

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