Chapter 7

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I flew Silver into her hanger with dread hanging over me like a storm...along with anger. I was so angry at myself for losing control of my emotions like that. I ran to my room and screamed into my pillow until my throat hurt. Yet, I was still angry. I decided to take out my anger on some robots. I went to the training room and chose a sword off the weapons rack. I got into a fighting stance.

"Training level ten!" I called out and a robot dropped from a hole in the ceiling. It rushed at me, sword drawn. I let out a war cry and slashed my sword through the robot's exposed waist. It disintegrated on the spot. I still wasn't satisfied.

"Training level fifteen!" I called out.

Nothing happened.

"*Growls* I said training level fifteen!" I shouted frustrated.

Come on! Why won't you drop from the ceiling so I CAN KILL YOU ALREADY?!?!

Someone cackled behind me. I whirled around to see my father holding a sword and there was an evil look in his eyes.

"D-Dad?!" I exclaimed, shocked.

He rushed at me, I barely had enough time to dodge his attack.

"Dad, what are you doing?!" I shouted. Fear taking over me like a virus.

He didn't answer, he just continued to attack me with no mercy.

I felt pain blossom on my right eye-lid and blood started to trickle down my face.

"Dad, stop!" I cried, "I don't wanna fight you!"

He charged at me with a bloodcurdling war cry. I held my sword with the tip facing him and he ran into it, shattering as if he was made of glass. Tears streamed from my eyes, some of them tainted with the blood from the wound on my face. I felt too weak to keep standing. My knees buckled beneath me.

"Dad..." I sobbed.

Then I heard an all-too-familiar voice coming from seemingly all around me:
“I can make the pain go away.”
Suddenly, I rushed back to reality, realizing that all of this was one of Haggar’s tricks. “No! No!” I pounded the metal floor with my fists as darkness closed in all around me. “Stop it! Get out of my head!!”
The darkness pressed harder, threatening to swallow me whole.
I looked up and saw Keith standing above me. The darkness faded, and my last bits of strength gave out. I collapsed and lay on the cold metal floor.
“Naida!” I heard Keith’s footsteps run up to me. “What happened?”
I tried to hide the tears streaming down my face as I struggled to sit up. “Haggar...she’s....messing with my mind...I thought....I was fighting my dad...”
Any strength I thought I’d had left gave out completely. I felt the darkness encase me again as I passed out. The last thing I remember was hearing Keith say my name and feeling two strong arms catch me as I fell into nothingness...

Keith's P.O.V.

"Naida!" I exclaimed when she started to fall. I ran over and caught her just before she hit the ground again. Her eyelids fluttered like she was dreaming. Her face was pale and tear stained, and blood trickled from one eye and over one half of her face.

I remembered what she said right before she passed Haggar was somehow taking control of her. Naida had told of how Zarkon’s witch had had to take control of her in order to use her quintessence to power their was Haggar using that to her advantage now?

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