Chapter 1: Escape....

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Explosions, so many explosions going through the ship as I ran to my lion. All of the galra soldiers were too busy trying to restore power to notice I had escaped my cell. That, or they just didn't care.

'Ugh, stop worrying about them!' I scolded, 'Just get to your lion and get out of here!!!'

When I reached the hanger where my lion was being held, Zarkon's witch, Haggar, was waiting for me.

"Of course you take the chance to escape while voltron destroys us. Typical paladins." she sneered, firing purple lightning at me. I brought out my shield, blocking the deadly bolts.

"How many times do I have to say it?" I shouted over the noise of the lightning, "I'm not a paladin!"

I ran to my lion with my shield still up, Silver opened her mouth and I ran inside. I took my seat and blasted out of there and into space. Looking around I then spotted a HUGE robot doing as much damage to the ship as humanly possible. It appeared to be made of....five robotic cats?

"No time to enjoy the scenery, need to get out of here." I muttered. Then I heard Haggar's voice as if she was right next to me.

"You can run but you can't hide. I will find you. You can never truly escape." she whispered.

I shook my head, "No. Mess with me all you want witch, but I will never give in to your lies."

"That's what you think. You don't know who you're up against, I am much more powerful than you."

Suddenly my lion went into autopilot and flew away 100 times as fast as a cheetah can sprint, putting enough distance between me and the galra. I relaxed a bit, knowing it would take them awhile to find me again.

"*Sigh* you okay girl?" I asked Silver as I pushed buttons for a body scan (for my lion not me), she growled in seemingly a painful way.

"A few scratches, tail blaster damaged, jaw-blade not functional.....oh man you need some serious TLC."

Then out of nowhere a galra cruiser appeared.

"Oh no...."

The cruiser began firing.

"Ack! Get us out of here girl!!!" I shouted, pushing the throttles forward. I was about to go into hyperspace when just about a flipping dozen more cruisers appeared and started blasting us. The sound of blasters filled my ears and purple lasers took up most of what I could see.

All of a sudden, something hit us and we started falling toward a nearby planet. Fast.

"Oh no no no no no no no no NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Going down! We're going down!!!" I screamed to no one in particular. (Just voicing my thoughts, sheesh)

There was turbulence once we entered the atmosphere.

All I remember is hitting my head on the dashboard before fading to black.....

Yeah! Awesome way to end a chapter right? So you'll have to read the next chapter to find out what happens next!!!

You guys are awesome!

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