Chapter 3: I'm being tracked, this is not okay!!!!!

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I ran as if my life depended on it, which, in this case, IT WAS!!!!!! Soon enough I reached the clearing where Silver was waiting, she opened her mouth and I rushed inside.

"Come on Silver, time to get out of here." I frantically pushed buttons and the throttles in an effort to move her. No. Luck.

"Come on, come on." I groaned, shaking the throttles. Still my lion didn't friggin budge.

I don't have much time. I thought, knowing these weirdos would find me soon.

"Can you even hear me Silver? Please, I know you're just have to keep it together a little longer. Just long enough so we can find a place to hide." I pleaded on the brink of tears.

"I don't know what to do to help you. I don't have the right materials and I'm running from people who want to kill me. I.....I need your help."

As soon as I said those words, Silver purred and a KA-RAY-ZEE idea popped into my head.

Use your magic.

"My magic? But I don't know how to use it very well."

Don't worry. Your instincts will guide you.

Words came to my mind and out my mouth.

"Restore to health,

make you well,

with this simple healing spell."

My hands began to glow blue and that glow spread throughout my lion for a few seconds. It fades, leaving my lion fully repaired.

"Alright, let's go girl."

We blasted into the sky and heard explosions.

Whirling around to see what the heckitty was going on, I saw a huge castle-ship with a particle barrier taking heavy fire from an entire fleet of galra cruisers.

There were also five mechanical lions that were being completely overwhelmed.

"Come on Silver, we have to help them!" I pushed the throttles forward, blasting to them and fired lasers at a cruiser, causing it to explode.

I fired more lasers at different cruisers, causing them to either be severely damaged or explode.

Then I noticed one of the cruisers was about to fire its ion cannon at the red lion and something inside me took over, something deep inside that wanted to protect that lion at any cost.

I flew over and head-butted the red lion out of the way and the cannon fired.

I screamed in agony at the searing pain until it finally stopped.

Weakly I looked up. Every part of me felt as if it had been drained of energy. I knew that the force of the ion cannon could kill anyone...but I was still alive.

Weak and hurting, but alive.

I struggled to sit up, but fell back down again, gasping in pain.

I could hear Silver growl at something.

Almost seconds later, the entire cockpit was filled with purple and black lightning.

It zapped through Silver's metal body and controls and went to the main source of energy: me.

I screamed in pain, gasping and thrashing in my seat.

The pain was unlike anything I had ever felt, even topping the cannon blast from just seconds before.

The energy electrified every bone and tissue in my body. I fell out of my seat and onto the floor, barely conscious.

Right before I blacked out, I heard Haggar's horrific voice:

"I told you I would hunt you down."

And then my world was gone.

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