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When I saw her I felt like my heart dropped, I was having a hard time breathing but I still had this calm feeling. I noticed how her eyes shine when she smiles, the way her lips moved when she talked, the way she was sitting with her legs crossed. I already knew she had my heart.

Her voice is so nice to hear, its like listening to a really good song or birds outside my window when I wake up during the summer, her voice makes me happy. I imagine how the world would be about to end and just seeing her smile would make everything okay.

The world is a better place when she's here.

When she says my name I want to pause the world and look at her face when she says it. I noticed how soft her hair looks, the clothes she wears suits her body perfect, she has the most beautiful body shape. Her hands are a lot smaller than mine, her rings are almost too big for her fingers.

She pays attention to when people talk, the way she looks at me when I talk, I just wanna look into her beautiful eyes for the rest of my life. She laughs at my jokes, she gets embarrassed when she says something wrong, I can tell she really cares about others and how other people view her.

She's smart, she knows the answers to every question the teacher asks and yet still she hesitate to say it out loud in class. She likes to read, she wont tell you that if you ask what she likes to do but I know she does, she has three different books in her bag, all love stories. She dreams about finding a love as perfect as in the books, but every guy she's opened up to has broken her heart, she's scared to be vulnerable in front of a guy, she's scared to actually love someone and then get broken. Maybe I'm the one who can make her happy, all I want to do is make her happy, I just gotta figure out how to keep her happy.

She dreams of having the perfect family, she dreams of having the job she wants, she dreams of actually feeling safe in someones arms, feeling safe at home, feeling safe with someone, safe.

She wants to be loved, she wants to be kissed, she longs after human touch just like I long for her touch, but she's too insecure about her body.

I want to show her the world, I want to hold her hand while walking down the streets, I want to kiss her goodnight, I want to listen to her breathing at night, I want to wake up next to her and I want to be the one for her.

Ive only known about a couple of hours and somehow I feel like she's the piece of me that have been missing.

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