Chapter 6 - I've gone Insane...

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Add read his books with extreme interest. After progressing book, after book, he noticed that these books was solely based on the study and research of Nasods, the type of robot that his family have been studying for so long.

He clenched his fists.

All this time, his family tried to gather pieces of information of Nasods. Records and sources were scarce since the whole race is extinct now, so it took his family many years to gather enough surviving information. Add's family were researchers of Nasods solely because they desired to keep their records alive.

Since they were all extinct, what motivated them to continue? Add thought to himself.

Maybe it's that robot...

The gazed down at the his page. Add's eyes were brimming with determination. He wanted to find that robot. The Queen of Nasods, so that he can fulfil his family's dying wish.

Even though reading the page was difficult, he was determined to learn and gradually understand all the words and letters.

Okay, mum. I'll find you that robot we've been searching for so long!

6 years later...


There where piles and piles of books that were recklessly stacked upon each other. Some books had their pages torn right out of their spine and some being scribbled on with messy quick writing. None of the less, the dusty room was filled with books. There was the sound of pages being turned and torn.

Add's eyes glowed vigorously.

He grinned.

Then began to laugh to himself as he hid himself in his deep shelter made of more books.

"BWAHAHAHA! I've finally found it!"

Add quickly strode up from his crouch, and his eyes were brimming with determination. He ran towards his invention that he had made recently. A screen that projected and collected certain, important images of Nasods.

His gallery was full with sophisticated and unique photographs and sketches from the ancient books and from his hand. There inside this library, trapped alone in isolation, Add hoped he could get out to find his mother, but as the days progressed, he was much more interested in finding the Queen of Nasods...


He whispered.

"You just wait,"

Add chuckled to himself.

Entertained, he spread his arms wide apart in front of the screens to savour the feeling of the day to escape.
Add narrowed his eyes.

"I'll find you."

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