Seeing Each Other Again

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I took in Diana's appearance and immediately felt at fault for her state. She had filled into my black sweatshirt and the sweats she was wearing. Her face was slightly rounder. Her hair was frizzier than I remember and dark circles were painted under her tired eyes. She looked lost and out of place. This whole time I told myself that she moved on and found a guy that deserved her and didn't have any mental issues. But I was wrong. I was wrong!

I gave her a sad smile and commented about my sweatshirt, glad that she was wearing it. Giving me the hope that she still loved me or at least couldn't forget me.

"Glad to see you still wearing my sweatshirt," her eyes were still in bewilderment and I wondered if a switch had been turned off in her.

Suddenly, she came at me and swung her arms around my waist. Her body began shaking as she began crying into my jacket. I didn't know what to do. But there had been a switch turned off in her. A switch that I flipped. I flipped it off when she left me, and now I've turned it back on.

She obviously missed me. She needs me, just as much as I need her.

I felt her squeeze tighter and bawl even more and I realized that my arms were still at my side. I dropped my basket and small container of laundry detergent and wrapped the love of my life into my arms.

"Oh Diana," I said. "I've missed you so much ... " I held her close for dear life and didn't know if I'd ever be able to let her go again. I felt additional curves on her and wondered how she felt about herself.

I kissed the side of her head and held my lips there. Her hair smelt delicious with fresh shower shampoo but I needed her regular sweaty, blossomy taste. I needed to taste those chunky lips of hers that chased my demons away.

We stood for a minute or two just standing in the cleaning aisle wrapped into each other's arms.

"Diana—oh," I looked up and found Lily with a grocery cart. "It's you," she said with venom in her tone. She came over and tapped Diana on the shoulder. "What are you doing?" She asked her cousin. Diana groaned and held tighter to me. "Let go of him, Diana. Aeron, what are you doing here?" I slightly loosened my grip on my Diana and responded to Lily.

"Shopping. And I happened to run into Diana."

"Well," Lily popped out her hip and folded her arms. "I don't know why she's clinging to you. You about ruined my best friend, Aeron." I looked down and smoothed Diana's brown, curly hair over and rested my nose against it.

"I'm sorry," I softly said.

"She doesn't need your apology, she needs to forget you." Lily yanked Diana away and I let go of her. She looked down, afraid I assumed to look me in the eye. I sighed and watched as Lily dragged Diana away.


After helping Lily put the groceries away I left without a word and went to the drug store down the street. There I bought myself some beer then sat outside on the steps to our apartment and drank. Lily came out in a hurry but immediately when she saw me drinking stopped, scoffed, told me not to run away drunk, and went back inside.

I sat outside and allowed the cold to consume me along with the alcohol as it burned down my throat.

Tomorrow would be Aeron's birthday. I remember what he got for my birthday. A pretty necklace and matching bracelet that said, "I love you" in cursive. I really liked it and even tried looking for the matching set all over my room but couldn't find it. That was part of the reason why my room was such a pigsty. Now I wanted to go back in there and look for it.

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