The Truth Comes Out

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I sat back down on the bed grudgingly and itched under my armpit at the uncomfortable fabric of the hospital gown. I glanced over at Diana and saw that she found the chair beside my bed her body had imprinted on over the past few days. Her cousin held Hunter's hand and the memory of her I knew was somewhere in the back of my head. But she was of no importance to me. No need to fill my head up even more when it already had others in it.

The doctors stood in front of my bed as my friend and his girlfriend stood by Diana.

"You young man," he began, "are a very special person." I narrowed my eyes and knew that soon enough, Diana would find out that I wasn't Frederick. My back was to the girl and I kind of wish I had sat down on her side of the bed. "What's your name?" The doctor tested.

"Aeron Fredrick Griffin." Gasps came from the two Hawaiian girls and I slumped my shoulders.

"Is this some kind of game?" I turned to see Diana furious. She stood up and scrunched her face at the doctor and at me. I frowned and knew what she was talking about. "Have you just been messing with me?" She asked me directly. She then turned to Hunter. "Are you in on this too?" I looked away mysteriously feeling guilty for her anger being let out on my only so called friend.

"Please, Miss," the doctor said, easing Diana with his hands going up and down in the air. "Aeron hasn't lied once to you, well, I think so. But he is Frederick. Aeron is enrolled at school and on his public record as Aeron. But he has decided to go by Frederick—"

"No I haven't!" I hissed. I folded my legs and sat fully on the bed. I looked down at my hands that were trying to distract each other in my lap.

"Right." The doctor corrected himself. "Aeron, would you like to tell us who Frederick is?"

I glanced at Diana and immediately averted her eyes when I saw her focusing all her scared-eyed attention on me.

I took a deep breath. "Frederick doesn't exist."

"Yes he does," I rolled my eyes. "Tell them who else is in your head."

"There's no one in my head." The doctor seemed like he was trying to be patient but he wasn't having my mood.

"Aeron was diagnosed with schizophrenia at the age of thirteen." Diana gasped again. I decided to be bold and looked at her.

"Like, he hears voices and stuff?" She asked, making eye contact.

"Yes. From listening to him these past few hours and studying his behavior, we have discovered Frederick. Frederick is Aeron's middle name. It is also the name of his father, who was an English Scholar. Frederick is Aeron's more intelligent side. Making him also develop Multiple Personality Disorder."

"He's an idiot! I'm not dumb or something when he's not around!" I lashed out. This doctor was just like the rest of them.

The doctor ignored me and kept going. "We discovered two other voices but they have not appeared ... yet. We have studied his behavior after you, Diana, ran off:" the doctor pulled his clipboard from under his armpit and read the report. "The patient spoke over both shoulders as if two contradicting others were speaking to him. His own voice did not change but he did mention, "she has a point." Indicating that one of the voices was female. He suddenly stopped washing his hands and searched for his glasses. He found them only to throw them across the room and break them."

I glanced over at the broken frames on the ground by the window but smirked at the idea of Frederick missing his glasses.

"Does he need glasses?" Diana asked cautiously.

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