The Hospital

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I walked into Frederick's hospital room and placed my cup of hot chocolate on the stand beside his bed. He was asleep. He'd been asleep for three days now. Doctors tried finding a family member but instead got a hold of Hunter and he called me. I told the hospital that I was his fiancé so that they'd let me inside his room. I'd have to tell him when he wakes that I lied.

I sat down in the chair that felt imprinted to my round butt over these past few days and sighed heavily. I looked at the boy I had feelings for and wondered what was wrong with him. The doctors did brain scans but wanted him awake to hear the results. They said he wasn't in a deep coma but was very worn out and asleep.

A few hours later after I went to a few of my classes I came back to visit him and found him propped up in his bed and awake. I knocked on the door frame of his room and he turned his head and smiled.

"Hello, fiancé," he mockingly said. I rolled my eyes and walked to him. His hair was slicked back like Aeron's and he was an exact replica.

"They wouldn't have let me see you if I didn't say I was somehow related to you." He smiled a pearly white devilish grin and I blushed. "How are you?" I asked taking a seat.

"Good," he simply said, not willing to move his gaze from me. I watched him study me and look me up and down. "You're really pretty," he said. I blushed harder and looked away.

"Thanks." I glanced at the table beside his bed and noticed he wasn't wearing his glasses. "Do you want your glasses? Hah, maybe you'll actually see more clearly."

"I see just fine. I don't need glasses to know that there is a very cute Hawaiian girl in my hospital room. I can't believe you were always at my side. The nurses said that my fiancé hardly left me. I could only assume it was you."

"You're not seeing other girls?"

"Of course not. I don't date." That kind of hit me like a rock.

"Sorry, we couldn't have our date—"

"What date?"

"The one we planned before you were taken to the hospital."

"I don't remember planning a date with you."


He must have lost some memories while asleep.

"That's all right."

"But I'd love to go on one with you." I slipped my hands under my thick thighs.

"We can wait for you to recover."

"I'm good—" his eyes grew big and he scrambled out of bed ripping his IV out and other attachments that were on him. His monitor began beeping and a nurse walked in. But Frederick ran to the bathroom and turned on the water to the sink. He began scrubbing at his hands ferociously with the bar of soap.

"Frederick," I began, "are you okay?" The nurse went into the bathroom and told him he needed to sit down.

"I have to wash my hands!" He growled at her. I slightly jumped back and he turned to look at me. "Just let me wash my hands!" Suddenly he began hitting his head with his wet hands and screamed for whoever was talking to stop. But no one was speaking.

"Frederick!" I said in a worried tone. The nurse tried to gain control of him but he banged his head against the wall. Tears began to well up in my eyes as a male nurse came in and grasped the small man in his arms.

"Please," he pleaded. "Make them stop!" Make who stop? I ran out of the hospital room in fear of the scene before me. I heard my name being screamed and I wiped at the tears that slipped from my eyes as I walked quickly away from his room.

I called up Lily who was immediately worried at the sound of my bawling. I took the bus back to my apartment and found Hunter and my cousin inside on the couch. Lily was on her feet and walking over right when she saw me.

"Is Frederick okay?" Hunter asked.

"I didn't see if he was okay after I called you guys." I admitted.

"Maybe you should call him." Lily suggested.

"Okay," I submitted. I pulled out my phone and waited for him to pick up.


"Hey, it's Diana,"

"Huh, I know,"

"I—I'm sorry I ran out on you."

"Ran out on me? When?"

"You mean you don't remember?" I placed the phone on speaker and all three of us heard Frederick say no.

"The last thing I remember," he began, "was watching you leave the library. And then I woke up in the hospital and the nurses said I had a fiancé but I told them that I don't have a fiancé."

My heart stopped. It stopped because I was speaking to Frederick. And earlier ... I wasn't.

"It's a friend," Frederick said over the phone. "The doctor wants my fiancé to come because they have my lab results—"

"I'm your fiancé!"


"To see you, I told them I was engaged to you."

"Oh! Wow, that makes so much more sense." He laughed on the other end. I couldn't keep myself from smiling. "Well, do you want to come?"

"I don't know, the doctors couldn't find any blood relation. Do you have anyone you could call?"

"No, Hunter's the only one that I'm really close to."

"He has a sister." Hunter mouthed to Lily and I. We both looked at each other and wondered why Frederick lied.

"Okay, do you want me to bring Hunter?"

"Uh ... sure. Yeah, bring Hunter. He can bring Lily if he wants. I'm tired of being in here, maybe having all three of you here will convince the doctors to let me go."

We drove to the hospital in Hunter's Jeep then went to Frederick's hospital room. The entire way, Hunter was quiet, like he knew what was coming. Something told me that Frederick and Hunter knew what was wrong. It only made me question how serious the problem Frederick has was.

We walked into Frederick's room and found him standing in his hospital gown wrestling with a boy nurse.

"I said I don't have to be here!" He said firmly to the nurse. Classical music was playing off of Frederick's phone. "They're gone!" He said. "I can go home now,"

"Sir, I have to ask—oh, thank goodness you're here." The nurse noticed us and Frederick turned around.

"Diana? Hunter?" He didn't even look at Lily and I felt her shift on her heels uncomfortably. "What are you guys doing here?"

"You asked us to come," I said.

"Well, I get why you're here. You're my fiancé." He said fiancé as he created quotations with his fingers in the air. "But why are they here? Who's she?" He gestured to Lily.

"You're kidding," she irritatedly said as she shifted to one hip and folded her arms.

"It's Lily ... my girlfriend ... Diana's cousin ... ? Is any of this ringing a bell?" Hunter asked.

"Right," Frederick wasn't wearing his glasses and his hair was slicked back.

"Should we start?" The Doctor I had gotten to know over the past few days walked in and he was given everyone's attention.

"Start what?" Frederick asked irritatingly.

"Your medical report." The boys eyes went wide and his shoulders fell. This wasn't Frederick. It was Aeron.

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