Nightmare Before Christmas

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Ray closed the door behind us and placed the bag on the counter. Flopping down on the couch he reached for the remote and switched on the TV. The white noise of the news only added to my headache. Pinching the bridge of my nose I scrunched my eyes up and sighed deeply.

"You okay Taylor?"

Gerard walked through the sliding door and sat down at the table. Looking up at him I flashed a smile and nodded my head

"Oh I'm fine thanks Gee, just a bit of a headache"

Gerard frowned and stood up to feel my temperature. He pursed his lips.

"Sure youre feeling okay? You've got a temperature"

I nodded and tried to smile again. I gave him an awkward thumbs up and walked back to my room.

It's so weird being here. I can tell Gerard wants to try and help but I get the feeling he had no idea how to. But there's no point in it really. I'm not gonna be here for much longer.

I stepped into the bathroom and washed my face. Gripping the sink with my hands I  suddenly felt really dizzy. The rays of sun coming through the window reflected off the mirror in front of me and casted a small rainbow on the wall behind me. Taking my eyes of the small rainbow I glanced back at my reflection. My cheeks were slightly sunken and my face had a slightly pasty complexion. Maybe I was coming down with something.

My stomach growled, begging for nutrition. Ignoring it immediately I slumped out of the bathroom and back into my own room to just sit and be quiet for a bit.

Not soon after I heard the front door open and Gerard greet Frank. Sighing to myself I shoved a pillow over my face and groaned. At this moment I heard Bandit open the door and call for Gerard. I wondered if anyone would notice if I just stayed up here. In the short few seconds it took for me to walk up the stairs my throat had developed a scratchy pain again and it made my ears ache.

The pounding in my head was getting louder and I could feel my throat become more and more irritated. I coughed and clutched my throat almost immediately. Fuck, that really hurt.


I didn't respond

"Taylor!" Gerard called again

I still didn't respond. It hurt too much to shout and I was hoping he'd give up and leave me here, but of course, he did not.

"Taylor? Come on. Bandits waiting for you" he said as he poked his head round the door

His eyes fell on my face that was smothered in a pillow. His face contorted into a half smile half confused look as he strode over and picked the pillow up off my face.


He lifted the pillow up and immediately slammed it back down on my face.

"Am I really that ugly?" I mumbled

Gerards eyes widened as he took the pillow back off my face and tried to defend himself

"No! I just- you look... Not... Good"

I groaned again and rolled over, digging my face into the bed.

"Taylor I don't think youre well"

Gerards voice was filled with concern and he rolled me over to feel my temperature. Pulling a face at his worry I coughed and cringed at the pain that flaired up in my throat.

Gerard placed his hand on my back and and frowned at me.

"Stay up here, rest"

I could tell he wanted me to be there with everyone. It made me feel guilty. This was probably the last time I would see Bandit, apparently Lindsey was taking her on a January vacation. I felt my heart sink

"No no no, it's fine- I'm fine" I coughed, my throat going up in fire

"I'll go downstairs. It's okay"

I stood up out of the bed all too fast and I felt the blood rush, making me incredibly dizzy. My head spun as Gerards face became blurry. I stumbled slightly and Gerard quickly wrapped his arm around my waist, steadying me.

"Youre going back to bed" He said gently, helping me back under the covers

Brushing a stray strand of hair from my face he stared down sadly at me. Without saying another word he got up and left, closing the door behind him. I heard his footsteps down the stairs. I heard Bandit ask where I was. In a way I was glad to be alone but I still felt incredibly guilty for missing out on the Christmas eve party.

Maybe it was for the better. If I was there I'd probably find a way to mess things up. Sighing I closed my eyes and drifted off into a deep sleep.


I stood in front of group of trees. All charred and black. It hurt to breathe. Everytime I tried to draw in a breath it would sound irregular and wheezy. Spinning around I came to face a plume of grey smoke. My heart sped up as I walked towards it.

The sounds of sirens and screams came from far off. I was running now. People and cars blurred past me as I ran towards the burning building.

There it was. The structure loomed above me, bits of concrete and other materials rained down as the fire burned through it like a parasite, consuming its host. Looking up at the second floor window I saw a face I knew too well. She was banging on the glass. Calling my name. I could barely breathe now as I saw Lily slam her fists repeatedly on the glass, tears staining her face.

My vision blurred as I tried to run towards the crumbling school. No matter how hard I tried or how fast I ran I couldn't get any closer to the school. I stopped, out of breath and out of ideas. Staring up at the window I could've sworn my heart stopped beating. Lily's face was covered in ash and soot as her attempts grew weaker. I called out to her, only for my voice to be drowned out by the sirens.

Thick tears were running down my face now as I watched the fire grow closer to her, the fear overpowering her. She stopped banging on the window now. I screamed again. This time not even a sound came out. She was stuck. I couldn't save her. She stared calmly out of the window as I watched the fire grow over her. Then, a voice. One that I had fallen in love with, whispered behind me. Making the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

All your fault


I'm actually very proud of the title
That's all. Night yall

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