the day it happened (69)

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Thank you for your patience! Exam week is next week and I'm currently packed with assignments, sorry this took a little longer than I expected. Love you all<3 enjoy

A terrible headache, a sleepless night and a brain full of thoughts Taylor couldn't quite silence. That was the way she woke up that day.

The day when it happened.

Rubbing the sleep out her eyes she sat up in her hospital bed. The curtains were drawn all the way around, cutting her off from the rest of the ward.

The room was warm, Taylor noticed it specifically. She thought maybe that spring was finally creeping up through the grimy cracks of Jersey.

She stretched her arms above her head. Today she had a chemo session booked and then later she was scheduled for a check up with Dr. Hames. Overall she could tell that it was going to be a tiring day

After slipping on socks, she sat on the end of her bed. Sitting idle for a moment Taylor tried to ignore the pounding in her brain. She leant forward so her hands cradled her head as the pain coursed. Running all through the front of her head before concentrating on the spot that hit the floor.

Her IV was supposedly dripping morphine to help ease the pain, but even as she watched the clear liquid trickle down the tube she couldn't feel a difference.

"Miss Francis?"

The voice of a nurse came from behind the curtain. The sound of her pulling it open brought Taylor's head up from her palms.

"Oh dear" the nurse muttered

"Morphine not doing the trick, huh?"

Taylor shook her head. "No, not yet"

She closed the divider behind her, as if it stopped the outside from hearing them

The nurse had grey hair, styles into a pixie cut and thin-rimmed glasses that perched on the bride of her nose. She couldn't have been more than sixty but her hands were worn and deep lines ran over her forehead.

"Would you like me to up the dose a little or are you okay with waiting to see if it kicks in?" She asked

Taylor grimaced. "No, i'm good thanks. I think I'm gonna take a shower and if its still sore then ill ask for more"

The nurse nodded. "Well I'm just here to let you know your meeting with Dr. Hames was brought forward to three o'clock, and that your chemo session starts at eleven"

"How long is it?" Taylor asked, not wanting to be there for most of her day

"Shouldn't be more than an hour, you'll be out in time for lunch." She replied, a thin lipped smile plastered her face.

Taylor thought about the hospital lunch. She hadn't been very hungry the past few days and couldn't tell if it was the terrible food or just another symptom of chemotherapy.

The nurse let her be after that. Taylor sometimes wondered what the nurses thought of her. She never spoke much to anyone and had a history of breaking into record rooms with her friend. As far as first impressions went, she didn't rank high on the list.

Pushing herself off the bed she exited the curtain barrier with clothes tucked under her arm and her ipod in the pocket of the flannel Red gave her. It was actually quite warm.

Pushing the curtain aside she saw Quinn reading another Teen Choice Awards magazine.

"Hey Taylor, how's it going?" They asked, without looking up from the magazine.

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