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~2~ Meeting the new 'adopter'


"Change your thoughts and you change your world." - Norman Vincent Peale


The rays of the sun come through the window of the cell telling me its morning. Not getting any sleep like normal I'm already up and working out in my tiny cell. Footsteps approach from the other side of the station, once arriving they stop in front of my cell. Finishing my last pull up of 500 I drop to the floor and dust my hands together, turning around to face the bars.

Kai stands there looking at me with his arms crossed over his chest with a thoughtful expression. I can see in his eyes the question he wants to ask so badly but is holding himself back on. The question with a simple answer to it. He looks me over and makes it to my face and gets his answer right then and nods to himself.

"Come on kid its time to get going, your going in cuffs this time alright, especially after what you did at the last place." Opening the cell and cuffing my hands he takes me out to the cop car and drives off to South Carolina.

"Oi, Kai whats going to happen to all my stuff and my vehicles." I say confused. He sighs and thinks to himself for a while.

"They'll be brought over later today alright, and I'll make sure nothing is missing and you've got everything alright. You planning to open a garage again or going to do something different this time?" He questions.

Sitting in the backseat thinking for a while. "Dunno probably will do the garage again and maybe something else honestly depends how I like it there or not and if I wanna fuck the place up or not." I say without a care in the world that hes an officer.

"Seriously kid. Why am I not surprised by that. Alright do you wanna do the same deal as the last place?" He looks lost in memory asking that last question.

"Yea do the same deal again. I bust myself out of jail with the money and you don't tell the adopter about what I did and take me to my new place." He nods in agreement. "We can shake on it once we get there and I'm outta these fucking cuffs." He nods again, I move around in the backseat and notice the cuffs are weak meaning I could pull my arms apart and snap them. Liking the thought instantly I wait till we arrive at the new place.

30 minutes later we pull up to a nice looking house with a trailer in front of it off to the left of it and a little cabin off to the right side with a driveway to it. Kai pulls up the driveway and gets out and knocks on the front door. A middle aged guy comes out and talks to Kai, being slightly to far away to see the man I wait till Kai comes to get me. 

Heading over to the car is Kai, I'm still looking at the man and see two people stand next to him on either side talking to him. Kai opens the vehicle door and pulls me out and walks me up to the man and the two other guys who now that I can look at them seem my age possibly, one is Mr-Dark-and-Broody and the other one just seems like a fricken light bulb to bright to stare at for to long with that smile on his face, and the middle aged man I remember from yesterday at the diner. We stop a bit away from them a good enough distance so that I don't attack them, because Kai remembers the last place.

Kai lets me go and goes to get the keys out of his pocket, seeing this I decided to go through with my thought in the car. I pull my arms apart behind my back and continue till I hear a snap of the weak chain breaking. Upon hearing the noise everyone turns to face me. Pulling my hands in front of me and rubbing my wrist with the cuffs still on them, I look at Kai and see him shake his head.

"Seriously, what number is that now? 15?" Kai asked frustrated I broke yet another pair of cuffs.

"Uhhh lemme count real quick................nope wrong its my 20th pair broken. Not my fault you guys keep giving me the cuffs that are going to break soon." I shrug not caring and put my hands in the front pockets of my jeans.

"Gimme your arm kid so I can at least take the last of the cuffs off." I sigh and hold my arms out and look at the man from yesterday. He notices me staring after a while and smiles at me.

"Hello. Nice to meet you Aella, I'm your new foster caregiver. My name doesn't need to be known right now so just call me Uncle." He holds out a hand for me to shake, with a click the last cuff comes off my hand and I bring my hands back in front of me and shake his hand quickly. I nod at him.

"These are my nephews North Taylor and Lucian Taylor, they also live here North however lives in the trailer over there." He points to the trailer I saw earlier, I nod at his words. North leans closer to his uncle and whispers something in his ear, Uncle nods and nudges Lucian. The boys head off.

"Okay, is it alright if we talk inside about Aella and everything else about the situation." Kai ask politely, Uncle nods and leads us inside to the living room I'm assuming. we all sit down Kai keeping me next to him so as to not cause trouble.

"So I would like to discuss with you Sir about Aella and her how do I say this nicely, her habits. She gets in trouble often with us, so if you see us pull up outside your house with her in the car don't worry about it she bails herself out, so you don't need to worry about money loss. Its best to keep her in a place with no other people in the building as well because well, yea she doesn't do to well with that. She will pay you rent to live here as a way of saying 'don't help me when I'm in trouble.' Not a lot else I can really say, oh if you have any questions about anything with Aella please call or you can ask her yourself, don't pressure her to tell you something or she will leave without a trace, you don't have to worry about food and stuff for her she can do that, send her to school if you would like, might not end well just saying but other than that I will leave from here and some others with come around later with her things." Uncle nods at everything Kai said. "Ohh yea she may disappear from time to time but don't worry she comes back after a while." With that being said Kai comes up to me and hugs me and ruffles my hair.

"Be good kid, I don't want to see you in the cells again soon." He chuckles after hes finished.

"Eh what else am I suppose to do I gotta come say hi some how now don't I. See you soon Kai." I say with a sad smile. He nods and walks away and leaves me behind.

"Aella I would Like to show you where you will be staying, if that's alright with you. I would like to also go over somethings with you as well is that okay?" Uncle questions.

"Sure lets go I'm bored standing around." Uncle chuckles and heads back out to the front and goes towards the cabin. 

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